Introduction & 6/24 Digital technology


# My name is Hamza . My major is accounting. I already learned a lot of cool things during the first week of the class. Digital technology has huge impact on my life like everybody else. It opened many doors for me that I thought it will never be opened, like continuing my education on older age than average student , freedom of speech in places that freedom is not exist, and communicating with my family overseas with almost zero cost!!

# What about digital technology makes it a unique tool or medium in human history? 

One of the main things that make digital technology unique is its ability to bring people together regardless of  race, religion , ideology, languages, and far distances. Digital technology is putting globalization on rapped growth not just on an economic level but also on social level. I believe it makes the world a better place because people start realizing they have in common way more than they thought. 

The digital technology is a perfect example of the accumulated knowledge that passes form nation to nation and generation to generation. Starting form adding sheep and cows with a very basic tools to super computers. Digital technology was not one man invention, it is many inventions form all over the world put together by brilliant  people and companies that got us where we at now.

Another special thing about the Digital technology is our ability to program the machine to do whatever we want, and the machine do it with higher accuracy and speed!. The fact that  we could communicate with machines and program them to communicate with us and among each other is like magic to me! and I am still leaning about it and below is my first experiment with it.

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