

Vannevar Bush and Ted Nelson were visionary thinkers seeking solutions to the problems of information overload and hierarchical storage systems that seemed to stifle human creativity and associative thought. Now that we have the World Wide Web, in what ways have these visions of Bush and Nelson been realized?  What remains unrealized?


For people who don’t understand the world wide web there is still a lot of space to be explored. There are thousands of resources that everyone still hasn’t explored, like me. Bush understands the twist on how to store this type of “knowledge.” He wants everyone to know how to use this. The internet gives us so much, but not a lot of people understand how to use it.

Nelson thinks of this as an organizing system. When we create an organizing system, that helps the brain break down on how to use the system. With this being said all of the social networks are connected and are organized to talk to each other and make sure that what ever you post is seen on all platforms.


According to Benjamin, how does mechanical reproduction change culture? What do you think are the consequences of digital reproduction on cultural expression today? Can a digital work have anything like an “aura? How does the culture of remix confirm of refute Benjamin’s ideas?


Benjamin thinks that mechanical reproduction is something that is new to everyone, creating something that isn’t just a reproduction. It’s changing time and the place point of view.

I think that the consequences of digital media is pushing things along much quicker then it needs to be. With the world today, every one is “go go go.” There is no time to absorb what is important with the experience you are doing at that point in time.

Digital work can have a aura. People create pieces to have deep meaning to them, and with the creator so passionate about what they are doing it creates a aura in itself. Many people can think of what they think the aura is because everyone’s point of view is different.

Remix is so many blends of tradition that in Benjamin’s argument he sees that tradition is changed through mechanical reproduction. Also creating remix you can forget tradition/time and place.

Week 2 Blog-

Describe how the multimodal design of “The Medium is the Massage” expresses the ideas in McLuhan’s text. What is McLuhan saying about the difference between print culture and the new electric culture of television and mass media?  In what ways do Manovich’s 5 principles of “new media” extend McLuhan ideas about how media shapes us? What about these principles have an effect on social interaction and/or cultural production? In what ways are media and culture being reshaped and transformed by the logic of the computer? 


The Medium is the Massage explains that the medium is a idea that can be communicated in multiple ways. In mosaic the pictures and words are displayed differently and they are telling a different message. For this example the pictures are showing a different emotion than what the text is actually saying.

5 Principles of “New Media” –

Numerical Representation





I thought that the 5th principle, Transcoding, really connected with how the flow of time has changed so much and how people are relied on that change, or screen in front of their face, so often that we have come numb to how to see how a picture/words can help us succeed in life. The dependence on technology has become so much that younger life won’t know what it’s like to have a paper back book in your hand.

I think that transcoding has shaped us in the same way as how computer has shaped media. Humans have become so dependent on technology and it has made us, in some cases, unable to do things without a screen in front of us. With Manovich’s example of transcoding is how media is just turned into computer data. Things are still printed, but not as much as they use to since it’s harder to store into a small compact system that can easily be filter through.

I believe that technology has made our lives so much easier and it goes along with Manovich and how he talks about digital media makes life easier, making computers/phones easier to maneuver.

What about digital technology makes it a unique tool or medium in human history?

What about digital technology makes it a unique tool or medium in human history?


I think that digital technology makes a unique tool for everyone in different types of ways. People can use it to create, remote learning, working from home and different platforms of communication.

With digital technology advancing so quickly its exciting to see what the next steps will be with it. How  much more advance can everything become? Will laptops just vanish and cell phones will become the all in one or have they already?


6/24 Response I

What about digital technology makes it a unique tool or medium in human history?

Digital technology is the latest evolution in storytelling and artistic expression. With the use of digital technology we, as humans, are able to create art and stories never before seen, and even retell classic stories through new and abstract mediums. What’s more is that, through the use of hardware and software, humans have been given the ability to create interactive new worlds for everyone to enjoy.

Humans have always been sharing stories with one another, it’s something that’s evolved as we developed language. Eventually, stories became more than information to pass on, but an artistic expression for those who are telling the stories. The method of passing on these stories evolved from cave paintings to tablets and scrolls, to eventually books. Now, with the advent of computers and digital tools, humans are able to tell these stories through mediums like movies, games, graphic novels, and a variety of methods across the internet. In chapter 1.3 of our text, there are examples of coding languages and their usage. These coding languages together can create games, websites, tools, graphics, and anything else a digital artist can think of to express their creative process.

Comprehensive Guide To Scheme Programming Language

In the first chapter of the book Program or be Programmed the author opens the first chapter talking about time, and how codes and computers run on their own disjointed version of time. Because of this humans have begun to evolve around that time, and have developed an asynchronous approach to classic methods of communication. Firstly through the advent of e-mail not replacing letters or traditional mail, rather it took the place of phone calls between people, giving them the opportunity to reply on their own time. The invention of the VCR and DVR replaces the need to rush to catch a television program. Eventually these new practices evolved even further to text messaging and streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu.

Netflix Has 45% Fewer Movies (and 400% More TV Shows) Than it Did in 2010 -  TV[R]EV

In the short period of time, these technologies have been alive, humanity and humans have already evolved and adjusted their lives around these new systems with relative ease. Digital technology, while relatively new, has taken the world by storm in ways inventions of the past had no chance of comparing to.

Introductions! 6/22

Hi, I’m Delano Kingston, and I’m a DTC major.

I come from the PCC Multimedia program at the advice of many of my professors. My multimedia interests vary a bunch, I love making VR spaces, games, digital art, and more! I also learned I have a knack for Social Media Marketing so I have a backup plan in my major! I also have gotten into streaming on Twitch this past year! I’m still not very good but I’m gonna keep streaming and maybe something will come out of it?

I have both a PC and a Mac. My Mac is what I use for school and projects. ie: video editing, programming, writing papers, attending class, etc. My PC is strictly for gaming and streaming! I’m still getting used to Windows as an OS but I’m slowly learning!

I’m looking forward to class with you all!


Hello everyone!

I’m Taylor Ross. I transferred from Clark College and am excited for my future here at WSUV. I plan to major in DTC program. I interested in digital media because it has so much to offer and so many ways to express yourself. I use a PC, but I really like what MAC has to offer.

I’m excited to take this course and learn so much more!