7/22 : Digital Games

I love how game worlds can be customized, and it is one of my favorite aspects. Sandbox games are amazing pieces of technology because they allow the player to completely immerse themselves in the game, since the possibilities are infinite and are only limited by your own imagination.


My favorite game of all time is called space engineers, which is a sansbox game where you have the ability to create any type of spacecraft, spacecraft, train, boat, car.etc, basically as I said before.


The main challenge for space engineers is to survive, as you are able to spawn either in outer space or inside a planet. After this, you are required to maintain ur level of energy, oxygen and fuel in high to survive and have ur ship running till u make it to a safer place. However, some planets have their own aliens or AI drones that will attack you if you approach them. Those also protect resources you can use for faster developing your vehicles, and spacecraft however they will attack you as soon as you appear near their spawn bases.

Space Engineers on Twitter: "#CaptainJackYT explores The Fuel Station 2.0  by HullTec, which is a fantastic trading station for the upcoming  #SpaceEngineers Economy Update.👍🛰️ https://t.co/5PmcbLfNEY For more info  on the Economy Update,

Space engineers offer a multiplier where you can use this chagle to create your own personal stories together with ue friends.


Additionally, you are able to make your own planets in space engineers and use game scripts to activate interactive mechanisms within your creations. The space craft I created, for example, would detect me when I approached it and open the door without ever touching a single bottom. Additionally, each of those scripts can be used in a variety of ways, weapon translation, printing spacecraft or vehicles in your own self-made factory.

I made it to the alien planet and can't find ice, help!: spaceengineers

What does it change in space engineers as you play?

Well pretty much everything as you move forward. Your player block will unlock so you will be capable of creating more advanced systems. The environment/weather/terrain will be modified by the player and their ability to create.

7/20 : Data & Information

As such, this revolutionary change is good for humanity, as it advances humanity’s interests in learning as well as provides a more comfortable way for many to live. However, most of the time, this recommended interest is manipulated by big corporations in order to turn a profit. Data is collected and stored by companies such as Google, then sold to companies wishing to profit off of certain demographics. By giving away data that shouldn’t be given away, threats to human culture are introduced, as it ignores the desire for inherent learning in humans and instead concentrates on the profit of a single corporation instead of the interests of individuals. The collection of unnecessary data, including events we say, is another threat from a device with a microphone that listens and records. There have been instances when I have had my devices listen to me say something completely out of the blue and then show me ads connected to that topic not even seconds after I said it. It is a total invasion of privacy as that shows your devices are always listening to what you have to say. At the same time, this technology is amazing and terrifying.

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Depending on what purpose you serve in society, big data and data analytics have two unique sides. It is exciting to see the use of data analytics and improved technologies throughout the healthcare industry, as well as in the transportation industry. By using data, you can help all of us monitor our wellness and make our trips safer and more enjoyable. It can be used to tell a person what their health looks like right now, and to forewarn them of potential changes that might impact them in the future. As well as provide you with the ability to connect more with your families as you drive around or be more effective in jobs as we behind to have more time for oursefls. My opinion is that such technology would benefit everybody on our planet.

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Users like me can benefit a great deal from algorithms that show them what they are looking for on the web. When I move around the web, I always look to learn new things, and if the algorithm notices this, it will show me more videos and works that relate to what I’m interested in right now, making learning new things so much easier.

7/15 : Social Media

Avatars enable people to feel more comfortable living their truth and discussing unpopular viewpoints as those who adopt the identity of their avatar. People favor their virtual selves over their physical selves. People who speak the truth can help ideas grow and society evolve by enabling them to flourish. But there could be some downsides. Due to hunger, lack of exercise, or lack of sunlight, our bodies may worsen over time. and when we are faced with real-life events, we may display too much fear. By assuming the identity of their avatar, people feel more comfortable living their truth and expressing their unpopular opinions. The vast majority of people prefer their virtual self to their corporeal one. Having people speak truthfully can help ideas thrive and society progress. This could, however, also have some drawbacks. Physically, our bodies may start wasting away due to malnutrition, lack of exercise, or lack of sunlight. We may display too much timidity when faced with real-life situations. The effects of being in two places at once can be quite disorienting or even lead to a negative separation between the real and the virtual selves.

Mom-of-four dumps husband for pole dancer she met in online game Second Life  | Daily Mail Online

As a matter of fact media platforms are for me a tool that allows me to stay in touch with my family and friends which are spread out across the world, as fro many years we have been unable to meet. That is why, having a real-life connection with someone cannot be overstated. With all these platforms, people can make another type of them. Creating a profile couldn’t hurt either since it may give one the confidence to approach someone they are interested in. Whenever someone reaches out to an unknown stranger to be their friend, they often wonder if the person in the photo is really the person behind the screen and this just shows the lack of trust that or avatar has started to develop in the recent years. Emphasizing how not having a real self out there could hurt our humanity.

Digital Text

In my opinion, “With Those We Love Alive, by Porpentine” was the most fascinating of the four readings. Its changing nature piqued my curiosity instantanely. I appreciate how this digital text begins since it allows you to choose specific components to make the experience more unique to each individual. My favorite aspect of the narrative is that there is no clearly defined ending.Despite the fact that this is a linear tale, there are several outcomes that take us down divergent routes. The tale has a definite beginning, but the reader controls the course through specified actions.

The way the tale progresses may be a bit confusing for some if they are not into the notion of multiple paths, but I personally loved it a lot, even though it was fascinating to go back and experience a new finish for the story.

When we look at this technique of narrative telling, we can see how the medium has evolved. Since we were meant to read a linear sorty as it was placed on a book in the past, but now that we have digital media software to tell stories, the possibilities become nearly unlimited, with only the author’s creativity being the limit to what may be said or produced.

Vannevar Bush’s and Ted Nelson’s

Vannevar Bush’s and Ted Nelson’s visions have fallen short since the creation of the Internet Boom, while other visions have come to fruition. Because the web is so sophisticated now, it would have been tricky for them to estimate what it would become, yet Bush and Nelson’s speculations have had an impact on the internet’s outcome.
Online Learning Only Works if Students Have Home Internet Access. Some  Don't.
When we organize information in a specific way, we push the mind to recognize and create meaning of it. With a World Wide Web  collecting a vast amount of knowledge for individuals, we have blasted our brains with a massive quantity of data. Nelson recognizes this as an imposed mindset, according to the lecture.he expresed the importance of connection inside the interned and how this will improve in some aspect our own social circles.However, this will also have some implications on our cultures.

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The internet is a network of billions of connections and resources, far too large for any individual to understand.However,Bush understands the complexity behing this archived data. he aims for finding ways to facilitated the organizacion of this data, with the finality of easing the use of it. Bush wants us to have access to this information and to command it with our own methods.for example: the memex machine which was thoght for collecting concepts, ideas, and observations than can be re-look in order to study the data.

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As a result, these innovative minds end up working together.
Bush wants people to have access to this wealth of knowledge, and Nelson wants it to be organized in a way that benefits the intellect. I feel that the internet has paved the road for many innovators, and that they will all be interconnected in some form.

Mechanical Reproduction

Benjamin mentions a few things about the influence and shift on culture in his book Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.
As opposed to being merely a copy, mechanical reproduction enables towards something totally new. As far as I can tell, it also impacts the presence of time and location in which the artwork or work was designed.Although exceptional, the process of mechanical replication creates a fresh alteration for how we see both space and time.
In fact, Benjamin argues that mechanical reproduction influences culture through new ways of generating media elements.

The fact that everything is so fast and you have only little time to understand, before our device may take it and present us with something different to visualize, is a matter of routine.I believe that the repercussions of digital reproduction today is the loss of historical value. I think that digital work could very well have an aura, although the historical value will be distorted throughout the reproduction procces.

While a new remix of an artwork incorporates its historical value, Benjamin’s thesis acknowledges the importance of this value, it is modified via mechanical replication.So, when we look at a replicate art, the aura becomes difficult to identify because of alterations that occur while reproducing it.However, if the replica of the work is stayed close to the original, a closer glance will reveal the original aura of the artwork.

This conclusion is that the closer we keep to the original work, the more aura we will be able to aprriciate from it, but the further the remix goes, the harder it will be to aprriciate this aura.

Pandemic Meme

This meme represents how shocked I was of being the only one in my social circle lucky enough to now get covid, even when I was the one that was constantly in and out of the house due to what was my job at the moment