Digital technology easily remediates the narrative arts of all other media (radio, movies, tv, fiction), but it also introduces new possibilities that may challenge our very notions of narrative – that a story needs a beginning, middle and end, for example. Which of the above digital texts engage you most and why? Discuss how we can approach new digital works that present stories in unfamiliar and challenging ways. What are your thoughts/experiences of how the digital, hyperlinks and the web are changing the art of storytelling.
This was my first time reading a digital work and I was not entirely convinced it would be something I would want to try again. That being said, I found CityFish to be the most engaging out of the stories I read, it seemed to be the most linear which made it the easiest to digest and understand. I also liked that because the story was not based on hyperlinks, I could go back and re-read previous paragraphs. I think this was the most important factor for me; when reading digital texts, the story often jumps around (literally) and the ability to easily re-read is so important to gaining a better understanding of the author’s message. When I read My boyfriend came back from the war and How to Rob a Bank, I felt like I didn’t not understand what was going on, or even that I had missed parts of the story.