Hacking Electronic Literature Workshop

Hacking Electronic Literature, team-taught by Riham Hosny, John Barber, and me, was a full-day, hands-on workshop on the tools used in creating electronic literature (e-lit). Hosted at RIT Dubai and sponsored by the ELO, it was the first workshop of its kind ever offered in the Arab World specifically aimed at teaching digital tools used […]

Live Stream Traversal of Red Planet by Helen Burgess

Tuesday, 2/13, 2018 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. PDT Live on YouTube and F2F in Electronic Literature Lab, WSUV Campus, VMMC 211A #elitpathfinders Experience a performance––what Stuart Moulthrop and I call a “Traversal”––of an interactive environment, Red Planet: Scientific & Cultural Experiences with Mars (2001) by Robert Markley, Harrison Higgs, Michelle Kendrick, and Helen Burgess. This is […]

Chapter 1 of Rebooting Electronic Literature is Released

We are pleased to announce that the introduction and first chapter––featuring Sarah Smith’s hypertext novel King of Space––of Rebooting Electronic Literature is ready to access. The book, co-authored by Dene Grigar, Nicholas Schiller, Vanessa Rhodes, Veronica Whitney, Mariah Gwin, and Katie Bowen and created on the Scalar platform, will eventually contain all seven live stream Traversals […]

Traversal of Thomas M. Disch’s AMNESIA

Friday, 1/26, 2018 12 Noon-2 p.m. PDT Live on YouTube and F2F in Electronic Literature Lab, WSUV Campus, VMMC 211A #elitpathfinders Experience a performance––what Stuart Moulthrop and I call a “Traversal”––of an early creative hypertext essay: Thomas M. Disch’s AMNESIA (Electronic Arts, 1986) This is a live performance streamed on YouTube and also captured in […]

Rebooting Electronic Literature

What do you call it when you make a work that has not be readily available to the public for over a decade accessible and promote that work via social media networks and open access publishing efforts? The phrase we came up with is “rebooting,” as in restarting. Makes perfect sense since the media we […]

Saying Something about I Have Said Nothing

Yesterday we live streamed J Yellowlees Douglas’ hypertext narrative I Have Said Nothing (IHSN). Influenced by two real-life car crashes involving girlfriends of her brother Mark, Douglas’s story appears, along with Michael Joyce’s afternoon: a story [1], in  W. W. Norton & Co.’s Postmodern American Fiction (1997), the only works of electronic literature ever published in one […]

Live Stream Traversal of Douglas’ “I Have Said Nothing”

Friday, 12/1, 2017 12 Noon-2 p.m. PDT Live on YouTube and F2F in Electronic Literature Lab, WSUV Campus, VMMC 211A #elitpathfinders Experience a performance––what Stuart Moulthrop and I call a “Traversal”––of an early creative hypertext essay: Jane Yellowlees Douglas’ I  Have Said Nothing (1993). This is a live performance streamed on YouTube and also captured […]

Notes & Observations on Rob Kendall’s “Faith”

Rob Kendall’s “Faith: An Expanding Multi-Verse in Five Movements,” created in 2001 (& published in Cauldron & Net in 2002, and ELC1 in 2006), is a philosophical poem about coming to grips with existential darkness. I had long been fascinated with Kendall’s use of movement, a strategy that both helps to underscore the poem’s theme […]

Untangling Threads in the Labyrinth

“He fought with the beast in the darkness, till the Minotaur fell down dead, and then Theseus retraced each step he had made, following the line of the thread.” — Rachael M. Nicholas, “The Minotaur”   As David Kolb pointed out to the audiences who sat rapt during his Traversal of Socrates in the Labyrinth, […]

Pre-Traversal Sound Show

ELL Live Stream Traversal Pre-Show Spectacular http://www.nouspace.net/john/archive/radioelo/radioelo.html#ell2017 From 12 noon to 12:30 p.m. PDT just prior to David Kolb’s Traversal of Socrates in the Labyrinth, which begins at 12:30 p.m., ELL will feature a soundscape created by John Barber. This work is a compilation of recordings Barber gathered at the 2014 ELO conference from ELO […]