

This showcase documents the work that the participants produced during DHSI 2018 in the “Documenting Born Digital Creative and Scholarly Projects” course. Projects include Scalar books, an Omeka site, and WordPress sites. The course itself is documented in at the ELMCIP Knowledge Base by Nicholas Schiller.

Aria S. Halliday

Here at the DBG project, we center the media and material representations of Black girls. We care deeply about the politics of representation and the ways that we learn about others through our exposure and access to popular culture. The Digital Black Girls project values media for its educational potential, especially for and about blackness, girlhood, and other aspects of Black girls’ identity.


Calla Evans

This is a preliminary proof of concept digital archive website for a feminist memory collective.  One of the main purposes of the site is to link documented historical feminist archival objects with the contemporary work being done by the collective.



Colleen Harris

This Omeka exhibit documents photographs taken by Dr. Dan Wakelee on a February 12, 2012 trip to Santa Rosa island in the Channel Islands National Park.



Paula Kiser & Evi Tramantza

We wrote our book to provide faculty with stepping stones into best preservation practices of their digital projects. It offers advice on project planning, resource formats, methods of preservation, and includes advice on documenting interactive projects. Finally, additional resources for further reading are included.



Sarah Simpkin

MacPaint is a raster graphics editor developed by Bill Atkinson and Susan Kare for Apple Computer. It was released on January 24, 1984. Documenting MacPaint presents a traversal of the MacPaint experience on Macintosh SE hardware.



Luis Meneses

I found this CD ROM in the trash. The physical media will last 200 years, but it is impossible to run the software on this disc using a computer today. This is an attempt to document the software and the documents that were shipped with it.



Tess McNulty

I’m working on a dissertation that involves cataloguing and preserving some of the most popular content that circulates on social media daily – the external links, that is to say, that garner the most “shares,” “likes,” etc. on platforms like FBK and Twitter.