Reflection on The New Art of Making Books by Carrion

A book is a volume in the space. It is the true ground of the communication that takes place through words – its here and now.

With the multimodal publishing project, my group and I have decided that we would create a publication that describes the different kinds of learning differences while also providing ways and resources to help combat them. After having read this quote I feel that going through with this project communication should be one of the most important aspects of our project. How we choose to communicate our publication is important as it will decide how our audience will understand that information and absorb it. With the publication, I want to make use of the space and really think about the words that we fill that space with and how our message will be communicated. Within books, communication of the ideas involved is key as they are the very thing that you want your audience to understand. In communicating our own ideas we will not only be able to teach our audience about the different kinds of learning differences that one could have, but we will also be able to educate them in ways to help those who have these learning differences or even how to help themselves. With this project, we will be able to communicate to an audience on an issue that is important and affects a variety of people including myself. Now, in designing the project I would like to create an experience that both communicates our ideas and creates an immersive experience for readers through use of educational videos.

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