Monthly Archives: June 2013

Welcome New Team Member


Screenshot of the iPad interface that will become part of the AppBook that Daniel will develop for the team

iSci welcomes CMDC major Daniel Spung who joined the team this week.  Daniel, who brings an expertise in web development and design, will work on the production of the AppBook for the iPad that houses the educational information that accompanies the project.  Daniel is currently a Fellow in the iPublishing Summer Initiative (IPSI) hosted by the CMDC Program and funded by a generous donation from Instructional Technologies, Inc.  In IPSI Daniel is learning to build templates for iPublishing software ITI has developed.  He will bring this knowledge to iSci.

Finished AppBook Plan for Part 1

We worked over the weekend getting ready for the demo at STEMLit on Tuesday.  Part of that preparation was a visualization of the plan for the module, a wireframe that shows the teachers and administrators attending the event how the module works on a tablet device, an information sheet about the project, and the overall vision for the complete module. We are about ready to bring in a designer and coder to develop module 1.  The August deadline for the “proof of concept” is looking easy to make at this point. We will have something substantive to show funding agencies.

Engagement with Crystals at Local STEM Event

Crystal-postOn Tuesday, June 25, the iSci team will give a demonstration of our project to 60 middle school teachers and administrators. The event takes place at Frontier Middle School in the Evergreen School District. The demonstration focuses on the module we have been building for the last two months about salt crystals and will include the work we have completed with the augmented reality environment for the iPad, as well as the behaviors we have developed for Kinect and the WiiMote and the haptic feedback gained from the Falcon Controller. We will also be able to give a copy of the script for the AppBook we are creating that is envisioned as the textbook for the module.

The demo will be the fourth formal presentation we have given about our project since May, and it will be the first time we have travelled the project out of the MOVE Lab, where we are building it.