
A game about a robot and a world ruled by a virus


This game was designed as a collaborative project with Joel Clapp, Cody Armstrong, and Ross Griffus. During a period of about a month, we came up with the story, and assembled numerous assets for the game. Things went well initially, and we created some basic sprites to work from. As time went on, we realized the undertaking this would be, and had to borrow some sprites from free resource websites like itch.io and OpenGameArt.org.

One of our primary focuses in development that we never got to put into action was the combat system. We realized that most games within the genre focus on melee or ranged combat, very rarely integrating both in a seamless fashion. The main character would have a moveset dedicated to their melee weapon, while also having a moveset dedicated to their ranged weapon, and be able to have both easily accessible.

The main character in our demo of the game was a reskin of Zero from MegaMan X5. This was due to time constraints, and for the sake of turning in a mostly finished demo. In order to figure out how to reskin the original, I took a peice of capcoms concept art, and color swapped it, as well as adding a visor. I created 5 different color swaps, but only 2 made the final cut.

I personally arranged two musical scores for the game, as well as some sprite sheets so that we would have as many unique assets as possible. The software used to develop the game was Pixel Game Maker, a product of the RPG maker family of software. This program was easy to navigate and understand, and so made for an easy platform for us to start off with.