
A game about a robot and a world ruled by a virus


H0P3 is a game about a character of the same name, a robot who wakes up in a run-down, decrepit facility, and has to find out what happened to the world through exploration. In this world, a sentient computer virus runs rampant through all technology, and humanity has nearly fallen. The player takes on the role of H0P3, who is a robot designed for intense combat by humanity, and the only thing immune to the virus. As the world is explored, the player will encounter many enemies, find relics of the past, and discover the history of the virus. No one else is left, you are humanities last H0P3.

We wanted the story to take place in a world where everything is dark and broken. A world full of monsters and machines alike, fighting amongst themselves while the player tries to complete their own task. While H0P3’s programming dictates they are to save humanity, we wanted there to be a lot of player autonomy in the story, lending itself to the robot’s forgotten memory erasing that part of their code. We did not get far into that discussion, as gameplay had to come first, but we briefly discussed upgrade paths for gear you collect as one way to give the player more control.