Research Output

Books in Print


Grigar, Dene and Mariusz Pisarski. The Challenges of Born-Digital Fiction: Editions, Translations, and Emulations. Cambridge University Press. Digital Literary Studies Element Series. Edited by Gabriel Hankins, Adam Hammond, and Katherine Bode. Cambridge, UK. 


Grigar, Dene and James O’Sullivan. Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities: Contexts, Forms, and Practices. NY, NY: Bloomsbury Press, 2021.


Grigar, Dene and Stuart Moulthrop. Traversals: The Use of Preservation for Early Electronic Writing. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2017.

Open Electronic Research (OER) Books


Grigar, Dene and Mariusz Pisarski. The Challenges of Born-Digital Fiction: Editions, Translations, and Emulations. DOI: Accompaniment to the print book published by Cambridge University Press.


Grigar, Dene. Editor. Rebooting Electronic Literature: Documenting Pre-Web Born Digital Media, Volume 4. August 2021. DOI: 10.7273/kd8y-nz37.


Grigar, Dene, Nicholas Schiller et al. Rebooting Electronic Literature: Documenting Pre-Web Born Digital Media, Volume 3. August 2020. DOI: 10.7273/8mwy-j433.


Grigar, Dene, Nicholas Schiller et al. Rebooting Electronic Literature: Documenting Pre-Web Born Digital Media, Volume 2. December 2019. DOI: 10.7273/9saz-4462.


Grigar, Dene, Nicholas Schiller et al. Rebooting Electronic Literature: Documenting Pre-Web Born Digital Media, Volume 2. December 2019. DOI: 10.7273/9saz-4462.


Grigar, Dene and Stuart Moulthrop. Pathfinders: Documenting the Experience of Early Digital Literature. Funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, 2015. DOI: 10.7273/WF0B-TQ14.



Fülöp, Erika and Dene Grigar. "Piloting Shared Born-Digital Archives between the US and Europe." Proceedings for the 2023 ISEA International. Fall 2023.


Grigar, Dene and Richard Snyder. "Metadata for Access: VR and Beyond." The Future of Text, Volume IIIEd. Frode Alexander Hegland. December 2022.


Grigar, Dene. “A Sucker in Spades & Transitional Media.” Rebooting Electronic Literature Volume 4. DOI: 10.7273/kd8y-nz37

Grigar, Dene. “Introduction.” Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities: Contexts, Forms, and Practices. NY, NY: Bloomsbury Press. Republished in Electronic Book Review, 10 January.

Grigar, Dene. “Challenges to Archiving and Documenting Born Digital Literature: What Scholars, Archivists, and Librarians Need to Know.” Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities: Contexts, Forms, and Practices. NY, NY: Bloomsbury Press.

Grigar, Dene. “Kinepoeia in Animated Poetry.” Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities: Contexts, Forms, and  Practices. NY, NY: Bloomsbury Press.


Grigar, Dene. “The Future of Text May Be Preservation.” The Future of Text. Frode Hegland. DOI: 10.48197/fot2020a.


Grigar, Dene. “Archiving Electronic Literature: Selection Criteria, Methodology, and Challenges.” Journal of Archival Organization. DOI: 10.1080/15332748.2019.1609310.

Schiller, Nicholas and Dene Grigar. “Born Digital Preservation: A Live Internet Traversal of Sarah Smith's King of Space.” Digital Scholar (2019) 1: 47.


Grigar, Dene and Stuart Moulthrop. “Traversals: A Method of Preservation for Born-Digital Texts.” The Routledge Companion to Media Studies and Digital Humanities. Ed. Jentery Sayers.  NY, NY:  Routledge Press, 2018. 351-361.


Grigar, Dene. “Rhapsodic Textualities.” Digital Media and Textuality: From Creating to Archiving. Ed. Daniela Cortes Maduro. Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript International Academic Publishing, 2017.

Grigar, Dene. "The Legacy of Judy Malloy." #WomenTechLit.  Ed. Maria Mencia. Computing Literature book series, distributed by West Virginia University Press: Morgantown, WV, 2017. [Honorable Mention, 2017 The N. Katherine Hayles Award for Criticism of Electronic Literature].

House, Ryan. “The Author Interface: Rethinking Authorship through Ludoliterary Analysis of The Stanley Parable and The Beginner’s Guide.” Paxadoxa 29. 2017.


Grigar, Dene. "Curating Electronic Literature as Critical and Scholarly Practice." Digital Humanities Quarterly (8.4) 2015.

Media Art Production & Preservation


Red Mona. The reconstruction of Christy Sheffield Sanford's 1997 net art piece that features 45 randomly generated flash cards that tell the story adapted from Guy de Maupassant’s "Petit Soldat."


DATA ENTRY: PORTAL. Adaptation of Rob Swigart’s text adventure game, Portal (Activision, 1986), as a VR puzzle game. Levels 1 & 2 completed.

Uncle Buddy's Phantom Funhouse. Reconstruction of John McDaid’s hypermedia novel originally published in 1992/93 by Eastgate Systems, Inc.


“Caged Texts.” Construction of David Kolb’s hypertext essay not previously published but intended for his larger work, Socrates in the Labyrinth.

Victory Garden 2022. Reconstruction of Stuart Moulthrop’s hypertext novel originally published by Eastgate Systems, Inc. in 1991.

King of Space Version 2.0. Reconstruction of Sarah Smith’ multimedia adventure game originally published by Eastgate Systems, Inc. in 1991.


Amnesia. Reconstruction of Thomas M. Disch’s text adventure game originally published by EA in 1986.

Grigar, Dene. “The 24-Hr.Micro-Elit Project.”24 works of micro-fiction published on Twitter each hour on August21,2009. Archival site: Exhibited at ELO 2010, Brown University. Republished in Electronic Literature Collection Volume 4, December 2021.

Zoller, Kathleen, Holly Slocum, Dene Grigar, Greg Philbrook et al. ELO’s The NEXT. Virtual Museum/Library/Preservation Site of over 2500 works of electronic literature created by the lab and 39 students in the Creative Media & Digital Culture program at Washington State University Vancouver and now maintained by the lab for the Electronic Literature Organization. Launched May 24, 2021.

Hanrahan, Betsy, Kathleen Zoller, Holly Slocum, Greg Philbrook, Sarah West, Dave Saborwski. Figurski at Findhorn on Acid V. 7.0, by Richard Holeton. The reconstruction of V.3.3 of this hypertext novel from the original Storyspace software into HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Released July 2021.

Thompson, Andrew, Arlo Ptolemy, and Dene Grigar. Flash preservation of electronic literature works held in the ELO’s The NEXT. 


Zoller, Kathleen, Holly Slocum, and Greg Philbrook. The World Is Not Done Yet V 2.0, by Annie Grosshans. The reconstruction of this hypertext essay from the original Adobe Muse software into HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. The work was selected to be included in the Electronic Literature Collection Volume 4.


Slocum, Holly. “Kanju-Kus,” by Deena Larsen. The reconstruction of 19 poems from coding that involved iFrames and Java Applets into HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.



$12,440.12. Funded."Spatial Computing for Use of Physical Artifacts Held in Museum and Library Repositories." WSUV Mini-Grant. PI: Dene Grigar.

$800. Funded. "Programming a Method for Documenting NetProv." WSU Vancouver Undergraduate Research Fellows Award. PI: James Lesperance.

$310,911. Pending. "Improving Metadata for Better Accessibility to Scholarly Archives for Disabled and Sensory Sensitive People,” National Endowment for the Humanities Level III Advancement Grant. PI: Dene Grigar.


$250,000. Funded. 2023. The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. "The Future of Text in XR." Lead PI: Dene Grigar; Co-PI: Frode Hegland, University of Southampton. To 1) support dialog for how to work with text in XR, 2) build XR software and, 3) develop metadata infrastructures to support software interaction that integrates with real-world workflows.

$5000. Funded. Co-PIs: Dene Grigar and Richard Snyder. "Improving Metadata for Better Accessibility to Scholarly Archives for Disabled and Sensory Sensitive People." Society of American Archivists. To create the proof of concept for the metadata that addresses need for disabled visitors and visitors with sensory sensitivities to The NEXT.


$2000. Funded. 2019. SIGWeb. In support of the exhibit, "Tear Down the Wall," exhibition for 2019 ACM Hypertext.

$19,200. Funded. 2019. "Historic Walking Tour App." PIs: Bradley Richardson and Dene Grigar. City of Vancouver Lodging Tax Grant.

$1500. Funded. Nevue, Andrew, Holly Slocum, Mariah Gwin, Kathleen Zoller, and Moneca Roath. “Undergraduate Travel Grant.” To present research at the Modern Language Organization 2020 conference in Seattle, WA.

$2000. Funded. Zoller, Kathleen. “Re-Publishing The Progressive Dinner Party. WSUV Summer Mini-Grant.


$41,816. Funded. Grigar, Dene, Abby Adams, Leonardo Flores, and Nicholas Schiller. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. "A Comprehensive Online Portal for Electronic Literature Works: Migrating the Electronic Literature Archives to Samvera” (COPE). OGRD-133308-001.

$7000. Funded. Schiller, Nicholas. Washington Digital Heritage (WDH) grant from the Washington State Library. “Metadata Schema for Born-Digital Works of Literature and Other Early Software”


$52,003. Funded. Moulthrop, Stuart and Dene Grigar. 2013. The National Endowment for the Humanities Start Up Grant. "Pathfinders: Documenting the Experience of Early Digital Literature." OGRD-121827001.



The 2024 Marjorie C. Luesebrink Career Achievement Award, ELO, to Dene Grigar.


Open Scholarship Award by the Canadian Social Knowledge Institute, for ELO's The NEXT.


Zoller, Kathleen, Katya Farinsky, Barysh Agaliyev, and Joel Clapp. 2nd Place Research Showcase. “Creating The NEXT.”


Slocum, Holly, Mariah Gwin, Kathleen Zoller, Andrew Nevue, and Moneca Roath. 1st Place. 2019 Research Showcase. “Reconstituting Electronic Literature.”

Grigar, Dene, Nicholas Schiller, et al. Open Scholarship Award. Honourable Mention. Canadian Social Knowledge Institute. Rebooting Electronic Literature, Volume 1.


Moulthrop, Stuart and Dene Grigar. Shortlisted. The 2018 N. Katherine Hayles Award for Criticism of Electronic Literature. Traversals: The Use of Preservation for Early Electronic Writing.

Rhodes, Vanessa, Veronica Whitney, Mariah Gwin, and Katie Bowen. 2nd Place. 2018 Student Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (SURCA). “Rebooting Electronic Literature: The Challenges of Creating an Open-Source Multimedia Tool for Data Collection and Dissemination.”

—. 1st Place. 2018 Research Showcase. “Rebooting Electronic Literature: The Challenges of Creating an Open-Source Multimedia Tool for Data Collection and Dissemination.”

Grigar, Dene and Stuart Moulthrop. Honourable Mention, 2018 Open Scholarship Award, Canadian Social Knowledge Institute. Pathfinders: Documenting the Experience of Early Digital Literature.

Keynotes & Invited Talks


Invited Speaker. Littérature Québécoise Symposium. Montreal, Canada; 24-26 April 2024.


Keynote. 6th Workshop on Human Factors in Hypertext. Rome, Italy; 4 September 2023.

Panel Curator & Speaker. "Digital Preservation." MIX 2023. The British Library, London, UK; July 2023.

Invited Speaker. "Rethinking Hypertext: Preservation, Reconstruction, Remediation." University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany; 12 May 2023.

Keynote. "Accessibility for Everyone: Rethinking Scholarly Archives of Born-Digital Media." The Humanities in the Digital Age: New Directions and Emerging Trends. Bengaluru, India; March 2023.


Invited Speaker. "Visualizing Physical Archives in Virtual Spaces / Describing Archives beyond MODS." The International Council on Archives Section for Archives of Literature and Art (SLA). Virtual; 4  November 2022.

Keynote. "The Future of Electronic Literature: A Speculation." New Poetics of Digital Literature: Updates and Challenges. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; 25 October 2022.

Invited Speaker. "From the Net to the Web: Genres of Born-Digital Fiction." The 2022-2023 Digital Storytelling Colloquium Series at the Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities. The University of Kansas; 13 October 2022.

Invited Participant. "A Post-Pandemic Reckoning: Improving Metadata for Better Accessibility to Scholarly Archives for People with Disabilities." The 2022 Triangle Scholarly Communications Institute. Durham, NC; October 2022.

Invited Speaker. "Dreaming a Virtual Future: Interactive Media and The NEXT.” British Library. London, UK; July 2022.

Keynote. "Reconstructing Hypertext." ACM Hypertext 2022, ACM WebSci 2022, and ACM UMAP 2022. Barcelona, Spain; July 2022.

Keynote. "2022 Undergraduate Literature Conference (data&) Society." University of Pittsburgh Johnstown, March 2022.

Keynote. "Saving Flash Art: Interventions & Mediations." Play It Again 2: Born Digital Cultural Heritage 2022 Conference. Melbourne, Australia, February 2022.

Invited Talk. "The NEXT: Rethinking the Way Interactive Media Is Presented and Documented." La littérature numérique hier et aujourd'hui: préserver <<l'art programmé>>? Bibliothéque Nationale de France. Paris, France, February 2022.


Grigar, Dene. Keynote. “Preserving Flash Works: Methods & Considerations.” Trans[Creation] 2021. McGill University and UQAM. Montreal, CAN. June 10, 2021.

Grigar, Dene. Keynote. “The NEXT: Building a Virtual Repository of Born-Digital Literary Works.” Science Data Center for Literature. Stuttgart, Germany. May 21, 2021.


Grigar, Dene. Invited Speaker. "Curating Electronic Literature/Tear Down the Wall Exhibition." 2019 ACM Hypertext Conference. Hof University. Hof, Germany. September 19, 2019. 

Grigar, Dene. Invited Speaker. “A Traversal of Mark Bernstein’s Those Trojan Women. Hof University. Hof, Germany. March 20, 2019. 

Grigar, Dene. Invited Speaker. "Notes Toward Absolute Zero: A Hypertext Traversal. University of Victoria, Digital Scholarship Commons. March 1, 2019.


Grigar, Dene. Invited Speaker. "Preserving a Cultural Legacy of Born Digital Literature." The 2018 International Conference on Arabic Electronic Literature: New Horizons and Global Perspectives. RIT-Dubai Campus. February 2018.


Grigar, Dene. Invited Speaker. "Beyond GRAMMATRON: 20 Years into the Future." British Computer Society. London, UK. September 2017.

Grigar, Dene. Invited Talk. "Electronic Literature and the Art of Preservation." Kingston University. London, UK; February 2017.


Grigar, Dene. Invited Talk. "Beyond Curating Media Art." School of Interactive Art, Simon Fraser University. Vancouver, B.C.; December 2016.

Grigar, Dene. Keynote. "Rhapsodic Textualities in Shelley Jackson's Patchwork Girl." The International Conference on Digital Media and Textuality. University of Bremen. Bremen, Germany; November 2016.

Grigar, Dene. Keynote. "Preserving Visceral Media." International Digital Media Arts Association 2016 Conference. Winona, MN; October 2016.

Grigar, Dene. Invited Speaker. "No Legacy \\ Literatura electrónica." University of California Berkeley. March 11, 2016.


Grigar, Dene. Invited Speaker. “Six Versions and Counting: How Digital Archival Research Changed Our Understanding of Judy Malloy's Uncle Roger and Electronic Literary History." University of Victoria. Victoria, B.C.; November 2015.

Grigar, Dene. Invited Speaker. "The Sappho Syndrome:  Concerns in Preserving Works of Born-Digital Media." Winona State University. Winona, MN; September 14, 2015.

Grigar, Dene. Invited Speaker. "Paths to PAD: Preserving the Legacy of Early Digital Literature." The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab, University of Victoria. Victoria, B.C.; January 2015.


Grigar, Dene. Invited Speaker. "Curating and Preserving Electronic Literature." University of Coimbra. Coimbra, Portugal; November 2014.

—. Invited Speaker. "Curation as a Mode of Inquiry." Simon Fraser University.Vancouver, BC; April 2014.

Conference Presentations


Snyder, Richard, Hannah Ackermans, and Deena Larsen. "Accessible Bits 1.0." Electronic Literature Organization 2024 Conference. Online. 18-22 July 2024.

Snyder, Richard and Sarah Laiola. "Metadata as Metanarrative: Lessons from the Filter Inst-Zine at The NEXT." Electronic Literature Organization 2024 Conference. Online. 18-22 July 2024.

Grigar, Dene and Mariusz Pisarski. "Media Translation and the Migration of Born-Digital Literature. Electronic Literature Organization 2024 Conference. Online. 18-22 July 2024.

Grigar, Dene and Andrew Thompson. "The Future of Text in XR." Electronic Literature Organization 2024 Conference. Online. 18-22 July 2024.


"Piloting Shared Born-Digital Archives between the US and Europe.” The 3rd Summit on New Media Art Archiving. Paris, France; May 2023.

"Cripping and Digitizing: (Re)Imagining the Poetry eBook." Association of Writers & Writing Programs 2023 Conference. Seattle, WA, 8-11 March 2023.


“Legends, Myths and Magic of Electronic Literature.” Forthcoming at the 2022 Electronic Literature Conference. Lake Como, Italy, June 2022.

“ELO's The NEXT.” Digital Humanities 2022. Virtual. May 2022.

“Valuing the Digital Now, Part 2: Teaching with OERs.” The 2022 Modern Language Association Conference. January 2022; Washington, DC.


“Born-Digital Literature.” National Libraries Now 2021 Conference. September 2021; London, England.

Grigar, Dene. “Metadata as Storyteller: The Narrative Systems and Interactive Digital Narrative Research Community.” ACM Hypertext '21; Dublin, Ireland. August 2021.

Grigar, Dene, Nancy Perloff, Lara Bourdin, Marcela Vieira,  Livia Benedetti, Alexandra L Martin and Gina Cortopassi. “Curators’ Roundtable.” Trans[Creation] 2021. June 2021. Virtual.

Grigar, Dene, Astrid Ensslin, Mariusz Pisarski, and Kathyn Cramer. “On the Effects of Living Backwards.” Electronic Literature Organization 2021 Conference. May 2021. Virtual.

Schiller, Nicholas. “Comparing Methods of Generating 3.5-Inch Floppy Disk Forensic Images.” Electronic Literature Organization 2021 Conference. May 2021. Virtual. 

Zoller, Kathleen, Katya Farinsky, Barysh Agaliyev, and Joel Clapp. “A Tour of The NEXT.” Electronic Literature Organization 2021 Conference. May 2021. Virtual.

 Grigar, Dene. “Persisting in Preserving Literature.” The 2021 Modern Language Association Conference. January 2021; Virtual.


Grigar, Dene and Holly Slocum. “Expanding Metadata for Better Accessibility: Lab Tour for 5th Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities.” 5th Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities. October 2020.

Grigar, Dene. “Migration and Its Effect on Michael Joyce’s afternoon, a story.” 2020 Electronic Literature Organization Conference. Online. July 2020.

Grigar, Dene and Michael Joyce. “An Afternoon with afternoon.”  2020 Electronic Literature Organization Conference. Online. July 2020.

Grigar, Dene, Holly Slocum, and Kathleen Zoller. “Working with Undergraduate Researchers in a DH Lab.” Project Management in the Humanities conference. University of Victoria. 6 June 2020.

Grigar, Dene, Anastasia Salter, Leonardo Flores, et al. “Making, Preserving, and Curating Born-Digital Literature.” 2020 Modern Language Association Conference. January 2020; Seattle, WA.


Grigar. Dene. “Kinepoeia in Animated Poetry.” International Association for University Professors of English. July 2019; Poznan, Poland.

Grigar, Dene, Leonardo Flores, and Nicholas Schiller. “Coping with Bits, Part 2.” Electronic Literature Organization Conference & Media Art Festival. July 2019; Cork, Ireland.

Grigar, Dene, Michael J. Maguire, Stuart Moulthrop, Greg Philbrook, and John Barber. “Sustaining Digital Vitalism: A Live Stream Traversal of Michael J. Maguire's Work.” Electronic Literature Organization Conference & Media Art Festival. July 2019; Cork, Ireland.

Grigar, Dene. “Born Digital Literature: History, Theory, and Practice.” The 2019 Modern Language Association Conference. January 2019; Chicago, IL.


Grigar, Dene, Chance Adams, Leonardo Flores, and Nicholas Schiller. “Coping with Bits: Developing a Comprehensive Online Portal for Electronic Literature Works.” Electronic Literature Organization Conference & Media Art Festival. August 2018; Montreal, Canada.

Grigar, Dene and Astrid Ensslin. “Rethinking the Canon of Pre-Web Hypertext Literature: A Call to Action about Preserving Our Early E-Lit Cultural Heritage.” Electronic Literature Organization Conference & Media Art Festival. August 2018; Montreal, Canada.

Schiller, Nicholas, Dene Grigar, Vanessa Rhodes, Veronica Whitney, Katie Bowen, and Mariah Gwin. “Born Digital Preservation: A Live Internet Traversal of Sarah Smith's King of Space.” Implementing New Knowledge Environments. January 2018; Victoria, B.C.


Grigar, Dene. “Exposé! The Global Practice of Curating E-Lit Exhibits.” Electronic Literature Organization Conference & Media Art Festival. July 2017; Porto, Portugal.

—. “The Sappho Syndrome: Concerns in Preserving Works of Born-Digital Media.” Electronic Literature Organization Conference & Media Art Festival. July 2017; Porto, Portugal.


—. “Best Practices for Archiving Electronic Literature.” The 2016 Electronic Literature Organization Conference & Media Arts Festival. June 2016; Victoria, B.C.

Schiller, Nicholas & Zach Coble. “Digital Preservation Action Session”. Electronic Literature Organization Conference & Media Art Festival; June 2016; Victoria, B.C.

Grigar, Dene. “Challenge of Archiving and Documenting Electronic Literature.” Archival Uncertainties: International Conference on Literary Archives. 4 April 2016; British Library, London, UK.


—. “New Collecting––Curating after New Media Art.” International Symposium of Electronic Art.” August 2015; Vancouver, B.C. “Curating Roundtable.” Electronic Literature Organization. August 2015; Bergen, Norway.

Schiller, Nicholas. “Free Primary Sources:,, and the Magic of Metadata Harvesters”. Information Literacy Advocacy Group of Oregon Summit; May 2015; Hood River, Oregon.

Curation (related to born digital media)


"Vision Unbound." In celebration of Women's History Month. 1-30 March 2024. The NEXT.

"Hypertext & Art: A Retrospective of Forms." The McPherson Library, University of Victoria. 10-14 June 2024.


“Hypertext & Art: A Retrospective of Forms.” Hypertext '23, Hertziana Bibliotheca. Rome, Italy; September 2023.


“The Ephemera of Electronic Art.” 19 July-31 October 2022. The NEXT.

“Horizon Insight: A Retrospective of the Art of M. D. Coverley.” 1 November 2021-31 March 2022. The NEXT.


“afterflash: Celebrating Flash & Shockwave Literature Published in Web-Based Journals, Anthologies, & Showcases, 1996-2016.” 24 May-1 August 2021. The NEXT.


“An Afternoon with afternoon: 30th Anniversary Celebration of Michael Joyce’s afternoon, a story.” ACM Hypertext ’20 and Electronic Literature Organization 2020. Online.


“Tear Down the Wall: Hypertext & Participatory Narratives.” The 2019 ACM Hypertext and Social Media Conference. Hof University; Hof, Germany.


Grigar, Dene. “Beyond Grammatron: Twenty Years into the Future.” The British Computer Society. 14-15 September 2017; London, England.


—. “You/I: Interfaces & Reader Experiences.” Paul Watkins Art Gallery. September 22-October 14, 2016.

—. “An Exhibit of Historical Archives of Electronic Literature.” June 6-17, 2016. McPherson Library, Special Collections & University Archives, University of Victoria, Victoria, B. C.


—. “New Text.” International Symposium on Electronic Art 2015. August 2015. Vancouver, B.C. Catalog: Art and Disruption, edited by Kate Armstrong. Brighton, UK: ISEA International, 2015. 154-169. Catalog PDF: Archival site:

Grigar, Dene and Kate Palermini. “Game Changers: Video Games as Innovation.” Nouspace Gallery. March 6-28, 2015.


Grigar, Dene. “Moving Words: Kinetic Poetry and Prose, 1984-2014.” Illuminations, the gallery for the School of English, Media, and Theatre Studies at the National University of Ireland. Maynooth,Ireland; March 2014. Archival site: Illuminations' archival site:

Grigar, Dene and Stuart Moulthrop. “Pathfinders: 25 Years of Experimental Literary Art.” The 2014 Modern Language Association Conference. Chicago, IL; January 2014.


Grigar, Dene and Brenda Grell. “Exploring the Electronic Literary Landscape of the Pacific Northwest.” The 2013 Digital Humanities Summer Institute.  Victoria, Canada; June 6, 2013.

Grigar, Dene and Kathi Inman Berens. “Electronic Literature & Its Emerging Forms.” The Electronic Literature Showcase. The Library of Congress. Washington, D.C.; April 3-5, 2013. Archival site: The Library of Congress's archival site:

Grigar, Dene and Kathi Inman Berens. “Avenues of Access.” The 2013 Modern Language Association Conference. Boston, MA; January 2013.


Grigar, Dene. “Electrifying Literature.” The 2012 Electronic Literature Organization 2012 Conference. Morgantown,WV; June 2012.

Grigar, Dene, Kathi Inman Berens, and Lori Emerson. “Electronic Literature.” The 2012 Modern Language Association Conference. Seattle, WA; January 2012.


Grigar, Dene. “mediartZ: Art as Experiential, Art as Participatory, Art as Electronic.” North Bank Artists Gallery, October 2-31, 2009. Vancouver, WA.


Grigar, Dene. “Visionary Landscapes: The Electronic Literature Organization Media Art Show.”  North Bank Artists Gallery, Clark College, and Washington State University Vancouver. May29-June1, 2008.  Vancouver, WA.