Madiera Vath

In the world of Digial Technology and Culture (DTC), you must make projects in order to showcase your current stregths and explore new techniques you may have never known about.

These are some of Madiera's projects from her DTC355 class including a Narrative and Recepie Project she had hand coded herself.

Thirteen Ways Of Looking At A BlackBird Project

This project aimed to teach students about how grids work. It was the first large project Madiera made in DTC355, and would look a little iffy, but eventually her projects would look better.

Blackbird Project

Recipe Project

This project was to help students learn not only visual hirearchy, but also teach how to code responsive design. Madiera chose how to make Maki sushi rolls and chose colors from the picture she shows on the top of her project.

Recipe Project

Narrative Project

Just before the final project, students were to create a 1-5 page narrative story through a path or soem kind of progresson. These projects ranged from stories, to the history of a certain task or activity, but Madiera decided to do hers on her art progression through her most recent years.

Narrative Project