Madiera Vath

Madiera is also interested in film and cinema. These are some of her videos she's produced and uploaded to her Vimeo account.

Saturday Morning Cartoons

This video was made by Madiera in 2019 and is a compliation of many different cartoons ranging from kids to adult from as early as the 1920s all the way to 2019. She entilted it Saturday Morning Cartoons because she herself associates cartoons with Saturday Mornings.

The Origins Of Salmon Sushi

Since Madiera is into the idea of being an animator when she grows up, she had decided to put those skills to the test with this video she made in her DTC491 Class in 2021. It is an educatioal video of, you guessed it, the origins of salmon sushi in Japan.

Getting Ready For the Day (A Continuity Project)

Another Piece from her DTC491 class, Getting Ready For The Day (Before Classes) follows the morning for a college student who does online school. Acted out by Madiera herself, she very much enjoyed this project and was praised by her peers upon viewing it in lecture.