Tyler Hickey

Digital Author, Technical Writer, Content Strategist


The Green Place: Mad Max: Fury Road as George Miller's Feminist Fairytale

Presented at National Undergraduate Conference on Literature 2016

This essay is a critical analysis of George Miller's Mad Max franchise through sociopolitical and feminist lenses.

Other Written Works

"A Sheep with Green Eyes": Ambiguity, Identity, and Closure in Fanny Howe's "Some Day"

This critical essay explores a six line poem and makes the argument that none of those lines beget a narrative, and explores why that is perfectly valid.

Which way shall I fly/Infinite wrath and infinite despair?": Double-Talk and Double-Meaning in John Milton's Paradise Lost

This critical essay explores parts of Milton's portrayal of the Genesis story, focusing specifically on ambiguous language, and how these elements subvert the perception of Eve as the bane of man.

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