Portfolio Projects notes

Portfolio  – 20%

Using HTML5 and CSS, handcode a multiple-page* responsive portfolio website that allows you to present and promote yourself and your work to potential employers and friends.

Portfolio websites grading will be based on the following criteria:

Sites Completed for Usability Testing/ Peer Critique  10%

It is important that you finish a majority of  your site’s design and content for the scheduled critique/usability testing. On this day, I will grade this portion of your project.

Design 30%

  • Website must have a color scheme that is in harmony (use Kuler!).
  • Typography is legible and text boxes are aligned properly,
  • Navigation is functioning, clear and accessible.
  • Pages are consistent throughout the site; there is unity in the design.
  • Clear visual hierarchy is used in overall design. Layout, color and imagery evoke information (difference) and context (repetition) effectively.

HTML5 and CSS mark-up  30%

  • The start home/page is index.html
  • HTML5 and CSS mark-up is “validated”.  Semantic elements and divs are properly nested with good hierarchical page structure.
  • A single external stylesheet (inline styles and internal stylesheets can be occasionally used to override external css).
  • The site is responsive to device widths, using percentages and media queries
  • HTML and CSS are handcoded; no WYSIWYG editors or templates. Plugins for galleries are OK. Please see me if you have questions about this.
  • HTML and CSS are well formatted – indentation is used  to indicate nested elements.
  • Navigation must be in the form of a CSS-styled unordered list <ul>.

Content 30%

  • Content is your own and complete. Images that are not created by you and/or in the Public Domain must be clearly labeled with ownership and copyright information. Text is  grammatically correct, spell-checked and images are compressed for web with proper aspect ratio.
  • The website must have at least 4 pages all together. Suggestions include: Homepage, Biography, Artist’s Statement, Resume or discussion of your skills and abilities, Samples or Galleries of your writing, photography, or artwork, Contact information, Information about your favorite causes, Links to resources or other things you think worthwhile, etc.

*If you would like to design a single page website with anchor links, please talk to me.


Portfolio website – who, what, why?

Other Examples:

DTC Portfolio Project:

Other student

Portfolio Projects

Include short project statements
Include a short  statement about the blackbird, recipe and sequential project on your portfolio site. Always include a short statement on projects in your portfolio. What was the nature of the assignment? Describe the tools, design ideas, code and/or specific processes. This is for you to properly document your work for your portfolio.

week 13 – Narrative Projects

Portfolio Project Checklist:

  • Validate HTML and CSS
  • All images are under 1000px wide
  • Your main content layout is under 1000px wide
  • You have proper padding, line-height (1.4-1.5), contrast (for reading) and line length (10-15 words) on text copy
  • Your name is in the header on all pages
  • Your navigation (and layout) does not change significantly on each page (exception is a splash page)
  • You have followed a design strategy for visual hierarchy and used a color scheme (use Kuler), a pleasing/ordered layout and good typography.
  • You have well-formatted HTML and CSS
  • Your link styles are changed from the default and are in related to the color scheme.

Discuss McCloud – Blood in the Gutter


Narrative Design Talk

1. Story World vs. Narration
2. Architecture: branching, directed-linear, directed-cyclical, open
3. Entry Points – maps, metaphor, imagery, theme, plot, context
4. Missing Data – structural absence, create desire and suspense
5. Closure- gaps, edges, micro-narratives, montage
6. Graphic Devices – attention flow, nav bars, gutter, design principles
7. Time Frames – directional flow, timelines, time and date stamps, series, nested frames, radial display, grids


Narrative  – 20%

“Narrative design” treats the user’s experience as a narrative structure or arc. The user is an active agent/narrator through a network of media files. A website may contain elements of story in text, image, audio and video which the user navigates and then mentally pieces together to form a whole. The “end” of the the user’s story experience may be a sense of closure, a new awareness of a subject or the purchase of a product or service.

A story narration describes a sequence of events. It involves time, cause and effect, a before and after. A website is non-linear or multi-linear.  As soon as there is more than one link on a webpage, the linearity of narration is broken.

So how to design a story that is multi-linear? That is the challenge with this project.

Using hand-coded HTML5 and CSSbuild a 1-5 page,  interactive and narrative website that allows you to use multimedia and web design principles in the service of a fictional, non-fictional or abstract narrative. To make your life easier, I have chosen some topics/ideas/prompts for you. If you have a burning idea that is not listed below, please talk to me.

  • site for a real or fictional business that tells the story of a product or service
  • a multi-linear original story ( hypertext)
  • a multi-linear adaptation of  a public domain story
  • a work of multimedia journalism or advocacy
  • a short multimedia exploration of a moment in history
  • a short multimedia biography (fiction or nonfiction)
  • a mock online newspaper story


Narrative Websites:

Database Narratives (non-fiction, documentary):

Electronic Literature and Art:

Commercial, Governmental and Non-profit websites:

Student Narrative Projects:


Brainstorm ideas… mind maps
Using index cards in design, mood boards

Have sketches/mock-ups  for site ready by next class


Review Fixed, Relative and Absolute Positioning
Positioning example
Positioning Zip

using jQuery to show/hide:


week 11 – Multimedia and Effects

CSS Grid:



HTML5 Audio and Video



jQuery and JavaScript Plugins:

Review Fixed, Relative and Absolute Positioning

week 8 – Typography

Typography Error


Principles of Typography

visual hierarchy example

recommended reading: rhythm in web typography

typography css reference

Rules of Thumb:

  • chunk text (analyze the text)
  • organize text for visual hierarchy, create difference and repetition
  • organize for rhythm and tension (explore what baseline rhythm is)
  • choose 1-2 fonts (make differences with weight, size, style, color)
  • create difference in text areas (contrast, proportion, space)
  • keep line length to 45-90 characters per line or 10-15 words
  • use padding on text boxes with borders
  • for text body, use CSS rules: “line-height: 1.5;” and “text-align: left”
  • create strong lines of continuance (verticals, rule lines, borders, gutters and alignment)
  • avoid underline and bold for emphasis ( italic is best)
  • repeat styles for similar semantic elements to create repetition

Typography Example, by Natalie Hendren


Typography demo
/ demo PDF

Typography Tools & Resources:

Working with Fonts



Build Recipe HTML

Recipe HTML and CSS

To fix iOS viewport reset, place this meta tag in <head>

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">

Responsive Design

Blackbird Project issues

CSS Grid Demo

CodeAcademy scores next week

CSS Quiz – study guide


Responsive Starter Template


mobile first!

flexible design (using % instead of px)
percentages! (do the math)
html flow
cascade principle
inheritance (only change styles that need to change)
max-width and min-width (set limit with max or min width)
height values are tricky
responsive images (100% of container parent or img {width: 100%;})
modular design
“breakpoints” based on design not device
display: none and display: block
turning off iOS resize

Media Queries Overview
workflow – sketches, create boxes of content

Approximate Breakpoints:


Responsive Design Resources:

Recipe Hierarchy



Student Examples:

Previous Recipes projects,  Previous Recipes projects1, Previous Recipes projects 2,  Previous Recipes projects 3


week 6 – Visual Hierarchy

Mandatory Midterm Meeting:

Please set up a mid-term meeting with me. This is to check in about how you are doing so far with html and css. Below are my times to meet. You can either set up a 30 minute slot or just 5 minutes if you are feeling comfortable with the material so far.

You may also be receiving an email to set up a meeting if I am your mentor. If I am your mentor, we can set up one meeting and cover both the class requirement and discuss mentoring issues like registration and “superpowers”, etc..

My times:
Monday: 3:30-5:30pm
Tuesday and Thursday
: 12pm-1:00pm and 3:00pm-4:30pm 

CSS Review:

w3 schools: css_positioning tutorial


display: block, inline, none, inline-block, flex, grid


Visual Hierarchy Primer:

Difference: where the eye is drawn
Repetition: where the eye sees pattern and context

color, typography, imagery, layout



Grid System :

proportion, alignment, balance
Use grid paper for your sketches
Golden Ratio Calculator(width is 1.62%) :  total length a + b is to the length of the longer segment a as the length of a is to the length of the shorter segment b


Rule of Thirds


Layout examples:


Texture and Imagery:

Optional Reading of Visual Hierarchy:


Project #2:  Recipe Project 15%

Build a one-page, responsive site for a recipe of your choice.  In class, we will discuss visual hierarchy, responsive design, typography and layout of different semantic areas. Your grade in this assignment will be based on your careful handling of design, code and content.

Use the responsive Starter Template  to make your recipe responsive to different device sizes.

Chunk Recipe into Visual Hierarchy
-information architecture

Student Work:

Previous Recipes projects -Spring 17

Previous Recipes projects -Spring 18

Previous Recipes projects -Fall 18


CSS GRID Overview


week 5 – Color, Imagery, Type, Layout

index.html ????   student project example

Blackbird projects list

FTP= “file transfer protocol”

– uploading web files to the server using  FTP (file transfer protocol)
-we will use a free Mac ftp client called Cyberduck Mac,   Cyberduck PC is also available.
-Filezilla is also good, free and cross-platform

  1. Open ftp software
  2. “Open Connection”
  3. Enter the following info:
    servername: dtc-wsuv.org
    username: first initial + last name + the year (’18”), all in lowercase, no spaces or symbols  + @dtc-wsuv.org (so, “Sam Jones” would be “sjones18@dtc-wsuv.org”)
    password: sent to your wsu email, can’t be changed!
  4. If successful, you should be in your personal server directory that has the same name as your username. Now you can either drag the folder and files in that directory or use the “action” menu to “upload”
  5. Please upload folders with the following in all lowercase: “blackbird” for the blackbird project, “recipe” for the recipe project, etc. You can always change the folder and file names on the remote server, as you would on your desktop.
  6. Make sure that your default page for the project is “index.html”
  7. Check how everything looks on the live absolute URL:
  8. If you cannot see images, make sure that your file names and calls to access those files are all lowercase. Servers are case-sensitive!
  9. Email me that URL (wluers@wsu.edu)






Multiple Columns

Text Shadow

Box Shadow

Border Radius


Web Color

Working with Web Colors:
Adobe Kuler  (also in PS)

web color values: RGB, 0- 255
hsl/hsla  HSL color picker

Design Talk



CSS Layout
Box Model– float

CSS Positioning –
position: fixed;
position: relative;
position: absolute;

Positioning  Example

Mr. Potatohead – extra credit (5pts)

Relative Positioning Puzzle


Workshop: Blackbird

Previous Blackbird Projects

Nouspace Student Research Gallery

week 4 – CSS


Cascading Style Sheets

Inline/Embedded/External CSS
selectors { property : value; }   example:  p { color:blue;}

CSS Principles (what gets applied?)

location (cascade)
!important ( color: red !important; )

Defining Selectors:

name element: h1, p,
name class or id: .stanza, #bio
context: #bio img,  .stanza h3
pseudo-classes :p::first-letter, p:first-of-type, p:first-of-type:first-letter,
link-styles : a:link, a:hover (add to blackbird)
attribute or values

CSS Properties  and Values:

css reference

CSS Value Units

0, 12px, 50%, 1.5em

Formatting text :  

font-family (web fonts)
font-size (px,%,em)
font-weight (bold)
font-style (italic/oblique)
text-decoration (underline, overline, line-through, none)
text-align (center, left, justify)

Typography rules of thumb:

no more than 2 fonts
difference, repetition,
padding and white-space
10-15 words per line,

web-safe fonts


Overview of HTML (Quiz 1 review):

*Outline all block elements with colored border to see them

Block-level Styles (the Box Model):

borders – (pixel width,  line-type, color) example: border: 1px solid red;
backgrounds – example: background-color: lightblue; or background: lightblue;

Styling block-level elements:

width/height (px, % or em)

max-width and min-width  (in pixels)
max-height and min-height

padding (px or %)  –

  • padding: 5px;
  • padding: 5px 10px;
  • padding: 5px 2px 10px 12px;

margin (px or %) –

  • margin: 5px;
  • margin: 5px 10px;
  • margin: 5px 2px 10px 12px;

*collapsible margins on vertical boxes- the bigger margin overtakes smaller

Moving elements to center:
margin: 0 auto;  // NOT <center>!

Background Property:

background images

css3 background images


HTML Quiz February 11th

Overview of HTML (quiz 1 review)


Blackbird Projects Due February 20th

Previous Blackbird Projects

Nouspace Research Gallery: Blackbird Projects




Blackbird projects list

FTP= “file transfer protocol”

– uploading web files to the server using  FTP (file transfer protocol)
-we will use a free Mac ftp client called Cyberduck Mac,   Cyberduck PC is also available.
-Filezilla is also good, free and cross-platform

  1. Open ftp software
  2. “Open Connection”
  3. Enter the following info:
    servername: dtc-wsuv.org
    username: first initial + last name + the year  started(’18”)  + @dtc-wsuv.org (so, “Sam Jones” would be “sjones18@dtc-wsuv.org”)  – all in lowercase, no spaces or symbols!!
    password: sent to your wsu email, can’t be changed!
  4. If successful, you should be in your personal server directory that has the same name as your username. Now you can either drag the folder and files in that directory or use the “action” menu to “upload”
  5. Please upload folders with the following in all lowercase: “blackbird” for the blackbird project, “recipe” for the recipe project, etc. You can always change the folder and file names on the remote server, as you would on your desktop.
  6. Make sure that your default page for the project is “index.html”
  7. Check how everything looks on the live absolute URL:
  8. If you cannot see images, make sure that your file names and calls to access those files are all lowercase. Servers are case-sensitive!
  9. Email me that URL (wluers@wsu.edu)

week 3 – HTML Flow

html for blackbird project

List of HTML tags

Overview: html structure, tags, attributes, nesting, formatting
Organizing web files
Semantic Elements
Image insert

Workshop: Finish Mark-up of Blackbird site


Project #1: Blackbird Project (10%)

Format and style Wallace Steven’s poem “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird” in a one page HTML document with an external CSS stylesheet. Your pages must have at least the following :

  1. one external link
  2. one internal or anchor link
  3. one image insert
  4. one background image

The assignment will be graded based on the functional and proper uses and syntax of HTML mark-up and CSS styles.  Though I am not grading on the quality of your design and layout, please put some effort into a pleasing look.  Extra credit will be given if your design attempts to reflect an interpretation of the poem’s meaning!

Previous Blackbird Projects

Nouspace Student Gallery – Blackbird Projects

Photoshop Basics:  sizes, tools, transparency, grid
Preparing Images for the web
Formatting Images

CSS Intro: Cascading Style Sheets


Inline/Embedded/External CSS
Selectors, Properties and Values  p { color:blue;}

Defining Selectors:

name element: h1, p,
name class or id: .stanza, #bio
context: #bio img,  .stanza h3
pseudo-classes : p::first-letter, p:first-of-type, p:first-of-type:first-letter,
:nth-of-type(odd), :nth-of-type(even)
link-styles : a:link, a:hover (add to blackbird)
attribute or values

CSS Principles (what gets applied?)

location (cascade)
!important ( color: red !important; )


FTP= “file transfer protocol”

– uploading web files to the server using  FTP (file transfer protocol)
-we will use a free Mac ftp client called Cyberduck Mac,   Cyberduck PC is also available.
-Filezilla is also good, free and cross-platform

  1. Open ftp software
  2. “Open Connection”
  3. Enter the following info:
    servername: dtc-wsuv.org
    username: first initial + last name + the year  started(’18”)  + @dtc-wsuv.org (so, “Sam Jones” would be “sjones18@dtc-wsuv.org”)  – all in lowercase, no spaces or symbols!!
    password: sent to your wsu email, can’t be changed!
  4. If successful, you should be in your personal server directory that has the same name as your username. Now you can either drag the folder and files in that directory or use the “action” menu to “upload”
  5. Please upload folders with the following in all lowercase: “blackbird” for the blackbird project, “recipe” for the recipe project, etc. You can always change the folder and file names on the remote server, as you would on your desktop.
  6. Make sure that your default page for the project is “index.html”
  7. Check how everything looks on the live absolute URL:
  8. If you cannot see images, make sure that your file names and calls to access those files are all lowercase. Servers are case-sensitive!
  9. Email me that URL (wluers@wsu.edu)

week 2 – HTML Building Blocks

The first website, Tim Berners-Lee

Hypertext Markup Language / HTML:

HTML – evolution, tags/elements, backward compatibility, spaces
text-editors, color coding, line numbers, soft wrap, search
basic structure –  anatomy of a web page
nesting, parents/children
text-encoding – ASCII / Unicode
entity codes | &amp;   &mdash;  &nbsp;
intro to semantic elements – h1, p, div, em, span, small
attributes – id, class, style
absolute and relative urls
basic formatting – classes and ids
html syntax= <element attribute=”value”></element>
self-closing elements= <element>

World Wide Web Fundamentals:

Domain Name / IP (internet protocol) Address
Local/Remote Files (case sensitive)
URLs (uniform resource locator)
HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol)
FTP (file transfer protocol)
Servers / Clients (browsers)


Partial Blackbird

Project #1: Blackbird Project (10%)

Format and style Wallace Steven’s poem “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird” in a one page HTML document with an external CSS stylesheet. Your pages must have at least the following :

  1. one external link
  2. one internal or anchor link
  3. one image insert
  4. one background image

The assignment will be graded based on the functional and proper uses and syntax of HTML mark-up and CSS styles.  Though I am not grading on the quality of your design and layout, please put some effort into a pleasing look.  Extra credit will be given if your design attempts to reflect an interpretation of the poem’s meaning!

Previous Blackbird Projects

Blackbird Example (zip)


HTML syntax: <element attribute=”value”></element>
Block and Inline / Divs and Spans
Attributes: Classes and IDs
Semantic elements

Lorem ipsum

Week 1 : Course Introduction (August 24th)


Overview of course
Flash drive – saving projects

Lecture: Designing Interfaces

Video Lecture



HTML – hypertext mark-up language
CSS – cascading style sheets

Text Editors:

FTP Client (file transfer protocol): Cyberduck Mac / Cyberduck PC / Filezilla (PC and Mac)

Codeacademy: Learn HTML, Learn CSS, Learn Responsive Design
Optional textbook: HTML and CSS: Visual QuickStart Guide (8th Edition)

Other Resources:

Designing for the Web

  1. Responsive Design (mobile)
  2. Composition (grid, layout)
  3. Typography (fonts)
  4. Color Theory (harmony, integrity, schemes)
  5. Communication (hierarchy, rhythm, narrative)
  6. Accessibility (legibility)
  7. Originality (novelty and familiarity)

Blackbird Projects

Web Basics

internet: network of networks
protocols: rules and structure for passing data, agree on data formats
ip address: internet protocol address (unique for each device)
dns: domain name system
domain name: purchase name to link to ip address
isp: internet service provider
server: hosts websites
client: browser access to websites
world wide web: linked documents on the internet
websites/webpages: linked html/css pages and media files( images, audio, video, pdf, docs, etc)
http: hypertext transfer protocol
https: hypertext transfer protocol secure
ftp: file transfer protocol
url: uniform resource locator – the web address
directory/folder: structured list of document files/ desktop metaphor for container of documents (interchangeable)
files: desktop metaphor for a “web page”, media object, an object that stores data, information, commands, etc.
absolute url: http://dtc-wsuv.org/wp/dtc355/index.html
relative url:  index.html, img/image.jpg


File and Directories: how to organized site files…

Email me ( wluers@wsu.edu)

  1. subject heading : DTC 355
  2. an image or description of you
  3. your major
  4. whether you are a pc or apple user
  5. your background (if any) in web design and development (HTML, CSS, Adobe software)


Quiz #2 Study Guide

  1. CSS syntax – selector {property: value;}
  2. CSS commenting-  /* comment  */
  3. links to external stylesheet –
    <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”styles.css”>
  4. internal stylesheet – <style> h1 { font-size: 22px; } </style>
  5. inline css – <p style=”color: red;”>some text</p>
  6. CSS selectors, specifying selectors –
    h1 { color: red; },
    #bio { color: black; },
    .stanza { color: silver; },
    .stanza h1 { font-size: 20px; }
  7. identify when and why a rule is applied to an element –
  8. Be able to identify correct unit measurements in CSS style rules- 10px, 2.5em, 50%
  9. display property –
    display: block
    display:  inline

    display:  inline-block
    display: none
  10. float property –
    float: left
    float: right
    float: none
    and for clearing floats:
    clear: left, right or both
  11. positioning – relative, absolute, fixed, z-index
  12. color schemes- monochromatic, complimentary, split-complimentary, triadic
  13. serif/sans-serif fonts
  14. fixed vs. flexible web design
  15. color codes –
    hexadecimals (#f0f0f0)
  16. font properties –
  17. text properties –
  18. border property – border: 1px solid #000000
  19. background image – #wrapper {background: url(background.png);}
  20. center a div –  #wrapper {margin: 0 auto;}
  21. link styles –
    a:link, a:visited { color: red; text-decoration: none; }
    a:hover, a:focus {  color: orange; } 


Quiz #1 HTML

The quiz will be multiple choice. You should be able to identify the following:

  1. HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
  2. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  3. FTP: File Transfer Protocol
  4. absolute vs. relative urls
  5. index.html
  6. Basic HTML structure for a page: <html><head></head><body></body></html>
  7. <title></title>
  8. HTML syntax: <element attribute=”value”></element>
  9. HTML5 semantic elements: p, img, header, nav, article, section, aside, footer
  10. parents and children (nested elements)
  11. block vs. inline
  12. headings: h1-6
  13. <div> and <span>
  14. <p>, <em>, <small>, <br>, <img>
  15. attributes: id and class, style
  16. <a>: anchor (internal) and external links
  17. doctype declaration: <!DOCTYPE html>
  18. HTML commenting: <!-- comment -->