New ELL Trailer

We are pleased to present the new trailer for the Electronic Literature Lab, created by Moneca Roath and Mariah Gwin. 

ELL’s Undergraduates Win Award

So often scholars toil under the radar on their projects, unacknowledged for their contributions. But not yesterday: The five Undergraduate Researchers who have been steadily preserving Electronic Literature together since last fall––Holly Slocum, Mariah, Gwin, Kathleen Zoller, Andrew Nevue, and Moneca Roath––were awarded 1st Place at WSUV’s 2019 Research Showcase. They competed against 35 other […]

Mellon Report Submitted

From June 1-December 30, 2018 members of the ELL Team received funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to build the ELO Repository for the Electronic Literature Organization, which has been hosted by the CMDC Program at WSUV for the past two years. Though the official deadline has long past, the popularity of the work […]

Live Stream Traversal of Richard Holeton’s Figurski at Findhorn on Acid

Friday, 2/22/19 2:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. PDT Live on YouTube and F2F in Electronic Literature Lab, WSUV Campus, VMMC 211A YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: #elitlab, #elitpathfinders Instagram: Experience early born digital literature performed live via YouTube. Drawn from Stuart Moulthrop and Dene Grigar’s concept of the “Traversal,” these performances take place on the original […]

Inventorying Riding the Meridian

I have spent the last week inventorying Riding the Meridian, an important journal founded by Jennifer Ley that published five issues, from 1999-2003, comprising 262 works produced by some of the world’s most notable artists and writers. In the coming weeks the ELL Team will move the information I created into an Excel spreadsheet into […]

Live Stream Traversal of Richard Holeton’s Figurski at Findhorn on Acid

Friday, 2/22/19 2:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. PDT Live on YouTube and F2F in Electronic Literature Lab, WSUV Campus, VMMC 211A YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: #elitpathfinders Instagram: Experience early born digital literature performed live via YouTube. Drawn from Stuart Moulthrop and Dene Grigar’s concept of the “Traversal,” these performances take place on the original hardware […]

Spring 2019 Tasks

And we thought 2018 was busy . . . This coming year the ELL Team will continue with projects begun in the fall: Live Stream Traversals, new chapters in the Rebooting Electronic Literature multimedia book, and getting the CSV files of the ELO’s collections of electronic literature prepared for ingestion in the ELO Repository. Some […]

The Impact of Undergraduate Research on a Field

Seven undergraduates worked in this research lab during the fall semester. They ranged from sophomores to graduating seniors, with hard skills in coding, videography, multimedia design, and animation. All of them excellent writers and verbal communicators. All of them probably some of the best problem-solvers I’ve ever worked with. All of them Digital Technology & Culture […]

Coping with Bits Project Meeting

This week Leonardo Flores (U of Puerto Rico Mayaguez) and Abby Adams (Ransom Humanities Center) flew in for two days of meetings about the Comprehensive Online Portal for Electronic Literature Works (COPE) project. Since June 1, 2018 when they––along with Nicholas Schiller (WSUV), four Undergraduate Researchers, Greg Philbrook, and I––kicked off the project, we have Developed […]