DTC 477 Syllabus

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Summer 2011
TTH 2:30pm – 5:50pm Location: VMMC 111
Instructor: Will Luers
Phone: 503-975-3254
Email: wluers@gmail.com
Office Hours: TTH, 12:30 – 2:30pm, VMMC 28

NOTE: All matters associated with this course are subject to change. Any changes will be communicated to students.

Course Rationale

DTC 477 Advanced Multimedia Authoring builds on the HTML/CSS skills developed in DTC 355 and provides a broad look at the various tools, design approaches and scripting languages (such as HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, PHP etc.) for creating dynamic multimedia objects for a variety of platforms.  The world of multimedia design is changing rapidly and this class seeks to respond creatively and analytically to these changes by introducing students to an array of skill sets and platforms.

Program Goals

Goal #1
Demonstrate competency with computers for designing, distributing, retrieving, and preserving digital works in various mediums for effective human-computer interactions by

  • Producing web pages and other digital interfaces or environments for effective and functional human-computer interactions
  • Applying Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to hand-code web pages
  • Employing web pages and other digital interfaces or environments that respond to specific audience needs, as well as usability and accessibility issues

Goal #2
Synthesize media forms for multimedia contexts by

  • Organizing multimedia and other digital interfaces or environments using various graphics, sound, and video authoring tools
  • Developing a multimedia project that incorporates various media objects, such as video, animation, sound, and still images

Goal #3
Employ the principles of visual form for sophisticated image manipulation

Goal #5
Identify and explain key principles of information architecture, effectively manage knowledge for both information retrieval and archival purposes, and evaluate and choose appropriate information architecture and knowledge management strategies for a given situation

Be practiced and capable communicators in all mediums

The assignments and activities for this course reflect these objectives and serve to assist students with reaching program goals.

Course Structure

  • Focus on the manual creation of web-based objects and other digital interfaces
  • Readings, discussion of concepts, and application of theory
  • Multiple assignments and projects
  • Conceptual and creative work with ideas explored in this course

Required Course Texts and other resources

  • Lynda.com course subscription
  • Readings will be either online or given as handouts
  • Access to digital camera (with video)
  • Flash drive or portable media storage on which you can save and transport your work

Course Point-Earning Opportunities

  • Place Portrait – 20%
  • Book App Prototype – 20%
  • Final Project – 50%
  • Participation – 10%

General Project Guidelines

  • Multimedia projects should address usability, navigation, and design issues raised in this course
  • Multimedia projects should utilize attractive and effective design and layout
  • HTML, site design, and content must be your own work; no WYSIWYG editors
  • Content should be substantive and should be written by you
  • All images not created by yourself must be clearly labeled with ownership and copyright information
  • Multimedia projects should be checked thoroughly for errors. There is no excuse for sloppy writing and such mistakes will count against you.

Assessment and Final Grades

Both attendance and participation will be monitored and deficiencies in either/both will result in lower final grades. Participation means being attentive in class, joining in discussions, engaging in informal critiques and completing all in-class and outside assignments.

Each class absence will result in a one (1) point deduction from final cumulative points. Frequent late arrivals, leaving early, or other forms of lack of attendance will also deduct points from the cumulative total. Absent students remain responsible for all course matters during their absence(s). Opportunities to make up missed work may not be available.

Final grades are determined from the cumulative points earned, plus or minus any deductions or additions for attendance or participation. No curving, averaging, or other manipulations are utilized. No other assessment or extra credit opportunities are planned. Incompletes are not available. Final grades are based on the following scale:

B+ 87-89
B 83-86
B- 80-82
C+ 77-79
C 73-76
C- 70-72
D 65-69
F 0-64

Submission of Late Work

All work must be submitted as and when required. Late work may not be accepted, or accepted with a substantial penalty. Email submissions of work or work submitted “under the door” or “in the mailbox” will not be accepted. No excuses, no exceptions.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is the cornerstone of the university and will be strongly enforced in this course. Any student found in violation of the academic integrity policy will earn an “F” for the course and will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct. For additional information about WSU’s Academic Integrity policy/procedures please contact (360) 546-9781.

Disability Accommodation

Accommodations may be available for disabled students to fully participate in this class. Accommodations may take some time to implement so it is critical that you contact Disability Services as soon as possible. All accommodations must be approved through Disability Services, located in the Student Resource Center on the Lower Level of Student Services Center (360) 546-9138.

Emergency Notification System

WSUV has made an emergency notification system available for faculty, students and staff. Please register at myWSU with emergency contact information (cell, email, text, etc). You may have been prompted to complete emergency contact information when registering for classes on RONet. In the event of a Building Evacuation, a map at each classroom entrance shows the evacuation point for each building. Please refer to it. Finally, for information about class cancellation campus-wide, please check local media, the WSU Vancouver web page and/or http://www.flashalert.net/. Individual class cancellations may be made at the discretion of the instructor. Individuals are expected to make the best decision for their personal circumstances, taking safety into account.