5 Story Summaries

The characters in these story summaries are from a story I have worked on for a while. Most of the stories written for these prompts can be versions of pieces of that story idea. 


  1. A group goes seeking a dragon to help them fix a fight between two wealthy families with ancient history within them. The search for the home of the area’s dragon guardian. They set out to travel to the mountain top at which the dragon rests. 

They arrive at the dragon’s sanctum and find him. As they explain why they need him, he refuses to participate. After some conflict, they find out it is because he is a lesser dragon, with not much power over the elements. They do not stop trying until he begrudgingly agrees. 

The group returns him to a courtyard at which the families agreed to gather. The families were astounded children of their own could gather together and actually bring a dragon to the meeting. Out of respect for the dragon’s statements and the group’s strength together, the two families agree upon peace between them. 


  1. A girl named Tarisa wakes up in bed. She gets up and starts getting ready for her day. Tarisa packs her backpack and goes downstairs.  

She grabs some food off the table as she says goodbye to her family. Tarisa rushes out the door to board the bus. 

She climbs onto the bus and takes an empty seat, excited to go to school. As the bus drives, it is stopped. The bridge the buses usual route takes is under construction. It takes longer than normal to reach the city and get to the school. She is worried she will have missed her friends. 

As the bus arrives at school Tarisa quickly gets off. Her friends had been waiting for the late bus. They all had a little time left to talk before classes began. 


  1. A girl named Nadia is with her friends Tarisa, Gufera, and Danny, exploring the woods. They had heard rumors from freshmen at their school that an old, ruined building around here was haunted. When they finally found the rubble, it was clear looking through it would not be quick. It was the ruins of an old soul-science lab that burnt down. They decided to split up. Against Danny’s suggestion, Gufera teamed with Tarisa to scope the outside, well Nadia took Danny to look around the inside. 

Tarisa and Gufera rummaged through some piles of debri outside. 

“You’d think if a ghost was here, we would have visited during the night.” Gufera mumbled as she threw a rock out of her way. 

“You know I’m not allowed out at night- and it would be more scary.” Tarisa exclaimed with a shutter as she looked over at what stood left of the building, knowing her friends were inside. 

“You have me here. So you’ll be safe.” Gufera stated as she sat down for a break. 

Nadia and Danny quietly walk down a hall coated with decay and abandonment. Stone and metal surrounding their path. 

“It’s um… really quiet here. I don’t even hear little creatures…” Nadia stammered as she stepped over old wires on a cracked stone floor. Danny just gave a nervous smile as he pushed a fallen piece of a pillar off of the path. Suddenly, a screech of metal screamed through the hall. Quick to stop after a few seconds. “Did you hear that!?” Nadia squealed, Danny quickly raising a finger to his mouth as he shushes her with his eyes widened in concern. 

“I heard something… I heard words… words like mine…” My voice echoes from my mouth. It has been so long since I heard words this loud and clear. I try to move, like I try every day, but my body just scratches against the fallen roof that restrains me. I hear steps now. They grow in volume, slowly but surely. I must try to move again. My body scratches and slams against the debri, I hear a gasp nearby. “Hello.” I speak, maybe it is a person, maybe they will speak back.

“Oh my gosh! Someone’s in the rubble! Danny, help me!” I hear, there are people, and they’re speaking back. I feel a shift in the weight above me, the ceiling is moving, are they moving it? 

Nadia is frantically trying to pull away small rocks well Danny takes care of the bigger ones. Someone is trapped! She wonders for how long, and if they need medical help. As Nadia pulls back a slab, she notices a claw, except it’s made of metal. She touches it, and it twitches in reaction. From where it lays, she begins to dig above it where she assumes a face would be. After a few layers, she meets with a face, with skin of metal, dented, yet eyes glowing and alive look back. 


  1. Anjie is a girl whose sister has been missing for a year now. She is bullied for having her strange older sister gone missing. She follows the notes and riddles in her sister’s special journal that contained fantasy stories and such. She eventually finds a shed in the woods behind her house from the journal’s clues, and follows a spell recipe to unknowingly create a portal. Anjie is teleported into another realm, and is now on a quest to find her sister in this different world. She is accompanied by a guardian bestowed upon her by a god-like creature that had met her sister before. 


  1.  A girl who goes through a regular day like any other, but she is plagued with monsters only she can see. Being tormented and plagued with nightmares just out of her reach. Anxiety constantly spiking from feelings and hallucinations of monsters not really there. These monsters become real when the girl snaps from the pressure and fear. 

This theme is based off of the combination of the mental disorders of Maladaptive DayDreaming and Anxiety, causing hallucinations and nightmare-like daydreams throughout daily life.

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