Data Collection, Final Results

After spending the month of May identifying works as Flash and Shockwave works from the 12 collections from the ELO Repository that relate to journals, anthologies, and showcases for the grant, ELL Team Members Holly Slocum and Kathleen Zoller painstakingly revisited them last week to fine tune the dates and software versions. They then reviewed […]

Data Collection, Week 4

We are at the end of our data collection in preparation for writing the grant. Kathleen and Holly double-checked the publication dates and software types and versions on the spreadsheet where we have listed all of the works we plan to record. Mariah double-checked if the works are accessible as local files or via a […]

Week 3 Data Collection: The 1st Trial Run

Week 3 of our data collection in preparation for the grant saw the ELL Team continue to fine tune the list of Flash / Shockwave works to include in the project and engage in a trial run of the steps for preserving these works. After eliminating redundancies in the list since some works were published […]

Preparing to Preserve Flash / Shockwave Works, Part 2

Week 2 of our data collection for the Humanities Collections and Reference Resources grant saw the ELL Team hone in on an exact number of Flash and Shockwave works currently held in the ELO Repository. This meant we had to examine over 1500 works in the various collections held by ELO, identify those that were […]

Preparing to Preserve Flash E-Lit

We kicked off Week 1 of our data collection for the “Preserving Flash Works” project with a tutorial on’s Webrecorder by Dragan Espenshied, Lyndsey Moulds, and Anna Perricci. For those of you who do not know, Webrecorder is a tool that records a website in a way that allows for its full interactivity and performability. […]

New ELL Trailer

We are pleased to present the new trailer for the Electronic Literature Lab, created by Moneca Roath and Mariah Gwin. 

ELL’s Undergraduates Win Award

So often scholars toil under the radar on their projects, unacknowledged for their contributions. But not yesterday: The five Undergraduate Researchers who have been steadily preserving Electronic Literature together since last fall––Holly Slocum, Mariah, Gwin, Kathleen Zoller, Andrew Nevue, and Moneca Roath––were awarded 1st Place at WSUV’s 2019 Research Showcase. They competed against 35 other […]

ELL Undergraduate Researchers Reconstitute Deena Larsen’s Kanji-Kus

“All of my kanji-kus are dead, and you can see their husks if you follow these links.”–Deena Larsen   So writes Deena Larsen on her website in 2014. But this is not true anymore: Undergraduate Researchers in my lab––Kathleen Zoller, Moneca Roath, Mariah Gwin, and Andrew Nevue––led by project manager Holly Slocum, have reconstituted this intellectually […]

Mellon Report Submitted

From June 1-December 30, 2018 members of the ELL Team received funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to build the ELO Repository for the Electronic Literature Organization, which has been hosted by the CMDC Program at WSUV for the past two years. Though the official deadline has long past, the popularity of the work […]

Finding Stephanie Strickland’s True North

  N. Katherine Hayles said that “Strickland’s poems meditate on the mystery of numbers and the embedded links that connect embodied experience with universal abstraction. Not to be missed. Paul Harris exclaimed that True North is “[a] quintessentially American piece. The poetry is arresting, to eye and mind. Here is a perception of the world filtered […]