Rhizome’s Linked Open Data/Wikibase Summit

ELO’s Digital Archivist Abby Adams and I attended Rhizome’s Linked Open Data/Wikibase Summit last week with two goals: 1) to learn more about how Rhizome structured information in its Wikibase because ELO is using it––along with the Library of Congress Name Authority File and ELMCIP––for tracking authoritative data for the ELO Repository; and 2) to become […]
Space Poetry: Screening Eduardo Kac’s Inner Telescope

Imagine a medium untethered to gravity, where no wind carries the spoken word and where no magnetic field bounds writers to express thought in a particular direction. In such an environment, what would poetry be? This is the question that media artist Eduardo Kac explores in his work, Inner Telescope. This is the first work […]
Bill Bly, author of We Descend, Will Visit ELL

Bill Bly, the author of We Descend (1997), will visit the Electronic Literature Lab on Friday, September 14. Bly also authored the online chapbook Wyrmes Mete (2002). His print poems and stories have appears in 5 AM, Amelia, American Poetry Anthology, Antigonish Review, Encore, Explorations ’95, MacGuffin, Runes, Yahoo! Internet Life, and Zone 3, along with articles […]
2018-19 Events
Screenings “Inner Telescope,” by Eduardo Kac. Wednesday, October 3, 11:30-12 noon. ELL, VMMC 211 A From Kac’s website: “Eduardo Kac has created an artwork aboard the International Space Station (ISS); French astronaut Thomas Pesquet realized it on Saturday, February 18th, 2017. Kac’s work, entitled Inner Telescope, was specifically conceived for zero gravity and was not brought from […]
2018-19 Live Stream Traversals Schedule

The Electronic Literature Lab’s collection of important––and fragile––works of hyperfiction and poetry published on removable disks are again the focus of this year’s Live Stream Traversals (re: performances) via YouTube. All events are free & open to the public. Friday, October 26: Kathryn Cramer’s “In Small & Large Pieces” (1994) Friday, November 9: Deena Larsen, […]
The Art and Science of Hypertext

“The Art and Science of Hypertext” highlights the way in which hypertext was envisioned and articulated from the late 1980s to the early 2000s. The exhibit features scholarly articles published in ACM Hypertext book of proceedings to hypertext fiction to software and user’s manuals for authoring systems, to the very computers that showcased works, and […]
Congrats to Nicholas Schiller

We are happy to announce that Nicholas Schiller, the Associate Director of the Electronic Literature Lab, has been awarded a 2018 Washington Digital Heritage (WDH) grant from the Washington State Library that funds either a new metadata schema or develop an application profile for an existing schema for use in the preservation of born-digital works of […]
Visit with Claus Atzenbeck

Visiting ELL on Monday and Tuesday was Prof. Dr. Claus Atzenbeck, the Research Group Leader of the Visual Analytics Research Group at the Institute of Information Systems, Hof University, Germany. He had come to the U.S. for the ACM Hypertext 2018 conference held in Baltimore, MD that took place July 9-12, stopping over in Austin before […]
Completed the Development of the Metadata for Turbulence.org

On Tuesday––a day earlier than we anticipated––we completed the development of the metadata for Turbulence.org for the Coping with Bits project. This means that the undergraduate researchers filled out the fields mapped for ingestion into the data management system that Abby Adams, Nicholas Schiller, Leo Flores, and I are using for creating the ELO’s repository. […]
Donation of Educational Media

My interest in born digital literature is born out of a fascination with creative uses of computing technologies for the purpose of human expression. This same interest extends to tools produced for teaching the foundations of that expression––namely born digital multimedia and interactive software for composition and literature college classrooms. Last week we received a […]