On Memory, Muses, and its name was Penelope
This excerpt comes from the first section of the essay I am writing for Rebooting Electronic Literature about the Live Stream Traversal of Judy Malloy’s its name was Penelope, which will be released on June 1, 2018, on the anniversary of the release of Pathfinders in 2015 by Stuart Moulthrop and me. “Of these events, Muse, […]
CELL Confab with Joe Tabbi and Davin Heckman

The Electronic Literature Lab will be hosting a two-day con-fab on May 18 & 19, 2018 in preparation of the CELL Project meeting in Montréal during the ELO conference in August. Participating in the meeting are Joe Tabbi (UIC) and Davin Heckman (Winona SU), the two leaders of CELL and Board Member of the […]
Live Stream Traversal of Judy Malloy’s its name was Penelope

Friday, 4/27, 2018 12 Noon-2 p.m. PDT Live on YouTube and F2F in Electronic Literature Lab, WSUV Campus, VMMC 211A #elitpathfinders Experience a performance––what Stuart Moulthrop and I call a “Traversal”––of an early book-length, hypertext poem: Judy Malloy’s its name was Penelope (1989, 1990, 1993). This is a live performance streamed on YouTube and also captured […]
Love and Loss in Kendall’s A Life Set for Two

We’ve all been there––well, maybe most of us––in that relationship in which neither of you want to be but too cowardly to end. Each of you dish out insults to the other and consume the other’s in return in the hope that one day they will be fed up enough to leave and you get off guilt-free. […]
Provenance & Collecting E-Lit: A Case for Human-Centered Archiving

We all know that information comprising a digital object can be studied forensically and that doing so can verify the authenticity of that object. Matthew Kirchenbaum’s Mechanisms: New Media and the Forensic Imagination (2008) documents this feature of digital media well with William Gibson’s Agrippa along with other examples. That is not what this post is […]
Traversal of Rob Kendall’s A Life Set for Two

Friday, 3/30, 2018 12 Noon-2 p.m. PDT Live on YouTube and F2F in Electronic Literature Lab, WSUV Campus, VMMC 211A #elitpathfinders Experience a performance––what Stuart Moulthrop and I call a “Traversal”––of an early book-length, hypertext poem: Robert Kendall’s A Life Set for Two (1996). This is a live performance streamed on YouTube and also captured […]
Researching E-Lit and Its Printed Materials

Think back. It’s 1991, and you’ve just bought yourself a home computer. It’s one of those cute, little Macintosh Classics that smile at you as it boots up. Never in your life have you ever used a computer, but now you plan to learn. You had a friend set it up for you and show […]
Prof. Élika Ortega Speaks in ELL on March 9

Professor Élika Ortega from the Department of Cultures Societies and Global Studies at Northeastern University will be giving a talk on Friday, March 9, 2018, in the Electronic Literature Lab (VMMC 211A) Washington State University, Vancouver, 1-2 p.m. The title of her talk is “Binding Media: Print-Digital Literatures from Latin America.” Here is the abstract of her […]
Hacking Electronic Literature Workshop

Hacking Electronic Literature, team-taught by Riham Hosny, John Barber, and me, was a full-day, hands-on workshop on the tools used in creating electronic literature (e-lit). Hosted at RIT Dubai and sponsored by the ELO, it was the first workshop of its kind ever offered in the Arab World specifically aimed at teaching digital tools used […]
Live Stream Traversal of Red Planet by Helen Burgess
Tuesday, 2/13, 2018 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. PDT Live on YouTube and F2F in Electronic Literature Lab, WSUV Campus, VMMC 211A #elitpathfinders Experience a performance––what Stuart Moulthrop and I call a “Traversal”––of an interactive environment, Red Planet: Scientific & Cultural Experiences with Mars (2001) by Robert Markley, Harrison Higgs, Michelle Kendrick, and Helen Burgess. This is […]