Expanding the David Kolb Collection

On Friday, August 23, David Kolb, philosopher and author of the hypertext essay, Socrates in the Labyrinth (1994) spent the day with Astrid Ensslin and me in the lab. In the early afternoon, we held a formal event entitled, “For What Is Thinking, If Not Linear?’ – A Conversation with David Kolb, Astrid Ensslin, and Dene […]

Linking Literature & Games

“Linking Literature & Games: Exploring Hypertext, Digital Fiction, & the Language of Gaming” is an exhibit curated by Mariah Gwin, an Undergraduate Researcher in the Electronic Literature Lab. Below is her curatorial statement and the list of items included in the exhibit. The URL to the archival site is http://dtc-wsuv.org/mgwin17/ensslin-exhibit. “Linking Literature and Games: Exploring […]

Curatorial Statement for “Tear Down the Wall” Exhibition at ACM Hypertext ’19

Below is my curatorial statement for the exhibition I am mounting at the ACM Hypertext ’19 conference at Hof University 17-20 September 2019. The archival website for the exhibition can be found here.  Tear Down the Wall: Hypertext and Participatory Narratives, held in conjunction with the ACM Hypertext 2019 at Hof, Germany, borrows the theme […]

2019-2020 Live Stream Traversal Schedule

We are pleased to announce the 2019-2020 Live Stream Traversal Schedule. Included in this schedule is a special interview with Astrid Ensslin, one of the top scholars of hypertext and philosopher-hypertext artist David Kolb. You do not want to miss these events! Saturday, August 24, 2019 A Conversation with David Kolb, Astrid Ensslin, and Dene […]

Paper Given at IAUPE 2019

Paper given by Dene Grigar at the 2019 International Association of University Professors of English Conference, Poznan, Poland. Kinetic Poetry: Poetry animated through the affordances of the computer environment, specifically programming languages like Apple BASIC, Visual Basic, and Javascript and software programs like Flash, Shockwave, After Effects, and others. Kinepoeia: “Movement suggested by the textual […]

President’s Final Remarks

Below are the remarks given at ELO 2019 by Dene Grigar, President, ELO, 2013-2019. 16 July 2019   Three years ago, the founders of Turbulence.org, Helen Thorington and Jo-Anne Green, put out a call on social media for support with hosting its prodigious archives of 344 works of net art that date back from 1996. […]


  Proposal for the 2019 National Endowment for the Humanities, Humanities Collections and Reference Resources, Implementation Grant Dene Grigar, Principal Investigator; Professor, WSUV Holly Slocum, Project Manager; WSUV Nicholas Schiller, Consultant; Librarian III, WSU Libraries, WSUV Dragan Espenschied, Consultant; Preservation Director, Rhizome Greg Philbrook, Technical Support; Technical and Instructional Support II, WSUV List of works we propose […]

Kinepoeia in Animated Poetry

Paper given by Dene Grigar at the 2019 International Association of University Professors of English Conference, Poznan, Poland. Kinetic Poetry: Poetry animated through the affordances of the computer environment, specifically programming languages like Apple BASIC, Visual Basic, and Javascript and software programs like Flash, Shockwave, After Effects, and others. Kinepoeia: “Movement suggested by the textual […]

Sustaining Digital Vitalism: A Live Stream Traversal of Michael J. Maguire’s Work

    Join us for a Traversal of Digital Vitalism featuring its author Michael Maguire   Led by Dene Grigar, Stuart Moulthrop, John Barber, and David Alonzo at the Electronic Literature Organization 2019 Conference and Media Art Festival 17 July 2019 1:30-3:00 p.m. University Cork College DH Learning Space, Food Science Building 4.58 Digital Vitalism: […]