Final Game Projects

In this assignment students were expected to create a game or a prototype for a game that fits one of the following genres: educational, Serious, or Game for Change (Wikipedia provides definitions of the latter two if you are not familiar with the terms). Their game had tie into issues we have been studying relating to diversity and social justice. The extent of the game play needed to reflect both their vision for the game AND the number of people serving on the team.

Directions for Creating the Game

  1. Choose one genre among the three
  2. Consider what you are trying to achieve (e.g. game play, UX, “the big so what?”)
  3. Lay out approach
  4. Wireframe your game
  5. Storyboard your game
  6. Develop/collect content needed for the game (e.g. images, animation, sound)
  7. Prototype it using a digital tool (Photoshop, Illustrator, Pages, PowerPoint)
  8. Code/program it
  9. Test your game
  10. Launch and present it

The game must work.  For that reason, students needed to consider a fairly substantial development team comprised of the following members: Project Manager, Leader Multimedia Designer, Lead Coder/Programmer, and Content Specialists (folks with knowledge of video, animation, image development, sound production that reflect the game’s needs; this could be one person or several).

Excellent games may be presented at WSUV’s Research Showcase and WSU’s Student Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (SURCA) events.

Due Dates
Friday, October 6: Team Designation
Friday, October 20: Project Scope (genre & what you are trying to achieve)
Monday, October 30: Wireframe
Monday, November 15: Storyboard
Monday, November 29: Prototype
Monday, December 4: Beta Version (option 1) or Draft of Report (option 2)
Wednesday, December 6: Final Game or Final Report

URLs to the Games

1. Digital Pixels
Game Title: “Project Justice”
Focus: Twine game about Racism, classicism, and sexism

2. Taylor and team
Game Title: “Hire Ability”
Focus: Video-based Twine game on ADA compliacy

3. TinyBytes
Game Title: “Bare Necessities”
Focus: Homelessness

4. MegaPickles
Game Title: “Pickle Life”
Video game about class using Jumpcraft

5. Julli et al
Game Title: “Dames for Change”
Twine game about sexual bias and intimidation

6. Spikey Pineapple
Game Title: “Game Salad”
Focus: #Defend DACA

7. Payton Leahy’s Team
Game Title: “Homelessness”
Focus: Homelessness

8. Dapper Dingoes
Game Title: “Without Light”
Focus: Social anxiety