Greasy fly natural hoax apple
Silk songs google pardon shock
Decay saw clutch lumpy snotty
Winter shade suggestion tie yam
Judge recognize thumb minor servant
Cork attractive protest cloistered free
Hum interesting tawdry halting chivalrous
Sudden mow fall awful quick
Dapper measure request depend butter
Dime deafening water damaged sanctify
Separate seize night frequent yell
Tread boundless windy create useless
Collar torpid cherries haircut hop
I created this poem using a random word generator. None of the work is my own, and the words are in no logical order. Before settling on the final poem, I looked at these words and contemplated rearranging them. I looked at the words given to me, and tried to come up with some sort of story that resulted from them. In the same way that I went through this process in the creation of it, I thought it would be interesting if the reader also went through this process. This is why I didn’t touch the poem and kept all of the words in the same order that they were generated. I think it would be interesting for the reader to try to come up with some sort of storyline, for meaningless words in a meaningless order.
Here is the website used: