The digital divide


Going without my laptop and Smart phone made me really appreciate the easy access I have to the Internet. Without these devices that make social interactions, homework, work, and the simple gathering of information easily accessible, social interactions would be limited, work would be harder to find, homework would be harder to do and gathering information would be a much larger task than typing key words into a search engine. Without using the Internet on my Smart phone I was not able to keep up with what was happening with my friends and family on Facebook and if I had a question or was curious about something I could not just Google the question to get an answer. This experience correlates to people who have limited or no access to wireless Internet connection because their access to social media and information would be severely limited just as mine was. “While the use of information technology is growing rapidly, some segments of society remain largely disconnected from this trend.” (Redefining the Digital Divide p. 201).Many people whether by choice or lack of financial means have no or limited access to technology. Laptops and Smart phones provide a way to easily access any information, or easily get in contact with someone. People that do not have access to this technology will have limited access to information, limited access to job availability due to the fact so many employers post job listings online only and they will also have limited access so information about their family and friends through social media.



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