Tag Archives: digital divice

blog 12

It’s very hard to go 2 hours without using a smart phone because I’m frequently using my smartphone. I couldn’t imagine my life with these two things. Sometimes I wonder how people without these devices   can survive in this world. We can access almost everything online, from online classes, to online job applications, to online homework. It’s easier and faster to use computers and smartphones to search for things like jobs, housing, events, and places. I use websites like craigslist to find jobs and housing, that’s how I found my two bedroom apartment. Computers are easier to use when it comes to doing homework.  For example this class would be very difficult if you do not have access to a computer. We use social media like twitter and class blog website.

The two hours without my phone and my laptop were hard. To entertain myself for those two hours I decided to clean up my apartment but I kept on trying to reach for my phone. Cleaning my apartment only took one hour so for the other hour I took my son to the park and left my phone at the house so I wouldn’t be tempted to use it. I barely made it through two hours without my smartphone and laptop I don’t imagine going without these devices for 24-hours. I also noticed that certain people use these devices more than others just as Mossberger and Tolbert state in pg. 201 “ digital device has been used to describe the patterns of unequal access to information technology based on income, race, ethnicity, gender, age, and geography…”