Tag Archives: #technology #dtcv #nolaptop #nocellphone #research #help

Some of us can live with or without technology…Can you?


Ignoring the technology I had at my fingertips for ten hours was not only hard, but very weird. A feeling that I was excluded from the world came over me it was trippy to think that I would feel so behind and lonely without my smart phone or computer. I would text and call but I ignored all the notifications I was receiving from the various media outlets I am involved in. although in a way, I did feel sort of a ‘silent silence’ if I wasn’t able to click an app and jump right on the internet than what was I to do with my time? Instead of opening my laptop to research I was finding myself picking up a book and searching between the lines where I could figure out the meanings and reasoning’s behind the authors’ purpose. The ‘silent within the silence’ that I mentioned is just a description of the media world of noise and constant updates happening was silenced and my brain seemed to work harder in any activity I found myself doing.

I definitely depend on the virtual world and technology outlets but putting them all aside and trying to function without them gave me a torn experience; I was both pleased with my forced instincts to dig deeper in my research, but I also discovered the true reason why I use and depend on technology. Most people these days depend on it without really knowing why they do, in terms of truly experiencing the comparison of technology vs. no-technology. I depend on it now but at least I know how to live without it to, really I enjoy both ways but in balanced portions.