Redridinghood and Electronic Medium


With the familiar story of redridinghood, a twist on it that allows the reader to interact makes the electronic medium of this interesting. With electronic medium, you can tell well-known story in your own way. Donna Leishman put her strange thoughts together to create a different version of this story. Being electronic, it brings this classic fairy-tail to life.

I think this can be similar to graphic design in a way because you put things up differently and to get people’s attention to get the message across, but tell a story differently. An example I have is when I took intro to graphic design, the first project we did was recreating the story of Jack and Jill with a paper filled of symbols and pictures we could use to help tell the story. I recreated my story by having two birds fly up to the top of a tree to get a worm. Then one bird(Jack) was shot down with an arrow. And the other bird(Jill) was shot down after. This tells the basic idea of the nursery rhyme, but it a new way that other people may have not seem before. The electronic medium could really enhance something like this, as there are many options with video and photoshop.

A page that stood out to me in “The Medium is Message” is the one about environment. It says “Environments are invisible. Their overall patterns elude easy perception”(Agel). It shows a picture of buildings above, then on the next page, it shows it’s on the water. I interpreted this as a new way to see things that you didn’t see there before.

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