Blog #9 – Media Changing Users

Coleman and Shirky’s idea of media changing the user could relate to us or me shall I say, as a teen due to the various social networks you could find on the internet. I mean Facebook and Twitter have a huge impact on most people around the world because of how people interact these days, otherwise known as the infamous “keyboard banger,” or person who hides behind a computer screen.
As Coleman describes, the Internet is by far the most common place as to where humans like to react or even pretend to be at. Behind a computer screen, people can control who they are and how they react on screen or also known as the social world. “Avatars,” are what represents the media users, and as mentioned on X-Reality, Coleman stated that people are actually engaging into their avatar world. Sometimes it could be an escape from reality.
The theory of both Coleman and Shirkey is represented by us, the users of the social media. It is everywhere. They even have applications for the social meadia. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram; I have all of these social networks and it is just the way that I connect with my friends or followers, it is different to how we connect in reality. Some people just rather have their “avatar” represent them in both worlds. A lot of people go accordingly to Coleman and Shirkey’s theory of living the avatar life in the real world.

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