Rachael Schultz: Manifesto


The gamer culture is composed of freedom of speech, but also the power of promoting your own values. Most game designers are white males and their values are presented to the gamers, most of which are younger boys of a different race. These “games that are being designed unconsciously include the biases, opinions and reflections of their creators” (blackvoicenews.com). This has a negative impact on the young gamers. If their race is represented in a negative manor, then their self confidence is deteriorated. In other words, the values and perceptions of the white game makers are being promoted through the gamer culture to the gamers. Can this negative affect on the gamer culture be changed and improved by controlling the portrayal of characters? Why not? As a bridle controls a horse and protects the rider, restrictions on games can control the messages given to children and protect them from discrimination. The values of the game makers are forced upon young gamers with their power to control their message. In order to stop discrimination, restrictions on the portrayals of characters of different races need to be enforced. Unfortunately, restrictions remove the freedom game designers have. The gamer culture is based on the freedom of speech and creation. Shall we take away freedom in order to change the gamer culture to stop discrimination? I wish it was that easy. The fact is control is not the answer. “[W]e can learn from our fusions with animals and machines how not to be the Man…”(Manifesto).

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