blog #11

People turn to social media for different reasons. Simon Cottle believes that people use social Medias such as Facebook, YouTube and twitter to “propel images and ideas of resistance and mass defiance across the Middle East and North Africa. “ (p.3) In the other hand cooper & Dzara argue that people use social media to join groups.  The point is that we always turn to social media for our benefit.

Social media environments are able to mobilize people to seek change as Dzara and cooper suggest in the reading. Facebook has limited relationship statuses which make people want to seek a change in that. “Some users of the site have recently started a group to complain that Facebook does not allow “civil union” as a relationship”.  (p.189) People seek changes in gender, relationships, friending, and tagging. People seek changes in these areas because they don’t give the user enough options to choose from. Tagging is a big issue on Facebook and some people would like to change the use of tagging. Cooper and dzara explain how people can tag you in pictures and although you can untag yourself the person that tagged you can still have the picture.  There are many changes users of Facebook would like to see but maybe if they want to be more conservative they should not have a social media like Facebook.

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