Social Media.

Social networking is what we are today. Social networking is where you can do anything good or bad at your fingertips. “Social networking gives us unprecedented power to share our stories with more people we ever imagined.” (Zandt, 159) Social media has grown so much over the years. For myself it used to be all about MySpace, changing the HTML codes to have the coolest background, and having the newest songs on your playlist. Now it’s all about blogging and Facebook. Some people blog to tell their stories, whether they want a response back, to let others know they’re not alone in a situation or just to simply talk about what they think, and have seen. For Facebook, it’s everything. People vent, update their statuses on the weather create groups for clubs and activities. Some even send out invitations via Facebook rather than sending a card. When reading this weekly prompt, I instantly thought of how this is so true, especially with the new thing being where kids, grownups are holding a sign saying “like this and we will get a puppy” Or “If you like and Share this picture we will donate a dollar to this charity” The one I’ve seen the latest is where a man in a seems to be 30’s is holding up a sign asking if anyone knows his real parents, I personally couldn’t help but share this because I’m hoping that this story is true and not some way of becoming  famous over Facebook.

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