Life Without a Smartphone/Laptop


I admit that I cannot go a day without using my iPhone or laptop. It’s like I’m lost without them. While I was in Ukraine last summer, I experienced being without my everyday devices. Time felt like it went a lot slower. Days felt longer. I felt as though I was free of all worries. If I wanted to find a job there, I would have to actually stand up and walk around the city to find a job. If I wanted to find housing, I would have to also walk and find a house that was for rent/sale. Newspapers only bring the news, and that happens only once a month. There are no advertisements in the back of the newspaper like we have here in America. The schools are traditional. A notebook, a pencil, and a library is all that is available. Access to the internet is very limited. I felt as though I wasn’t ‘in the loop’ of information. That was how I felt until we had internet connected at the place where we were staying. Then it began. It was like time began to slip by in a glimpse. Most of my time was spent on the internet messaging friends, scrolling on Facebook, and watching movies. In my experience, I have found life with these devices to be more simpler. With software like Siri, I can just speak what I want my iPhone to do for me. If I want to search for a job, I can just ask Siri. It is a lot easier than walking around in circles and searching for work at various places. There is really nothing that I can quote from the text about this subject.

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