No Tech Day

I went “off-line” Sunday when I knew I was going to have less things to do and thought it could be more manageable. I was honestly very surprised on how much of a change being off my phone and computer was on my life. I never before recognized how dependent I really was on them. I might even go as far to say that I am addicted to them. My phone has my schedule, contact info, pictures, reminders, and even alarm. If I wanted to know what time it was I actually had to go find a clock. If I needed to get in touch with a friend I would have to use a home phone and even then I have no idea what the phone numbers are of the people I know. If I wanted to just relax I could not just surf the web, I had to actually find something to do. I would think that it would be extremely frustrating for those with seldom computer access to try to compete in our highly technology driven world. I honestly wouldn’t know where to look for a job or housing. Perhaps the newspaper, but I bet more and more companies are going away from a paid ad in a newspaper and just putting free ones on job websites. As for homework, I feel like I would probably spend all day at the library searching for articles, definitions, facts. In addition to having to write entire essays by hand which I feel is way harder than on the computer. However, after the entire day of no technology I actually felt better not worse. I felt less distracted and felt like I had a little more control over my life. But I am definitely not giving up my technology anytime soon.

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