Time Without Technology


When I started  this experiment of spending time without technology like; cell phones, iPods, and computers; I thought that it would be easy. I thought that it would actually be good for me, being disconnected from the rigors of keeping up on my virtual social profile. When I first started, it was easy and life seemed less cluttered. However, as time passed I started wondering  if my status in certain games had changed, since I was not being active in them. And I started thinking, what if there is an emergency and someone is trying to contact me through email or Facebook? What is going on in the outside world?

Going without technology for a period of time is life eating cauliflower. It may be an unpleasant experience, but it will be good for you. This experiment gave me time to start reading an old fashioned paperback book and do other activities that I never would have had the time to do if I was still plugged into my smart devices.

It is amazing that we have become so dependent on technology like computers and smartphones. Twenty years ago we could not have cared less if we went a day without being on a computer, but today we have been trained that we need these devices to live a successful and full life.

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