Evaluating the internet searches is important.


When you are doing a search through Google, Wikipedia, World cat, and many others you are not really searching the “web” as a whole. You are searching the chosen engines’ index of the web, which also raises the correct question of ‘how reliable is this particular search engines’ index?’ Than continuing our evaluating processes in our brain. We generally feel more comfortable using popular search engines that more often than not, display the item of information that we are searching on or towards the top. For example when I searched our schools libraries World Cat database, it did not display my desired search on the top it was about the fourth or fifth result down. This would be a database that I may choose not to use due to the inconvenience.

We all have our personal preferences on what we use for general searches, even researches for an extensive project for school. Any of those it is usually smart to familiarize one’s self to the search engines or links that are easiest for you. When finding a document, it is important to determine its relevance to who wrote it? Where did it come from? And when was it written? These are just a few general questions that are important to ask when not only evaluating documents, but also using those tools to narrow down your search to find what it is you were looking for.

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