Locative art

I searched for “locative art” on Wikipedia, WorldCat, and Leonardo Electronic Almanac. Wikipedia, the “free encyclopedia”, is an online database, which has articles on a variety of topics and usually appears at the top of every Google search. It allows users to update pages to correct misinformation or cite new information. Thus, it is formed from the layers of many people’s opinions. However, it still offers quite a bit of information.
WorldCat is an archive of scientific tomes. The information includes the name of the author, and most of the texts are peer reviewed. Thus they are more trustworthy than Wikipedia articles, though less accessible.
Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA) publishes the work of credible authors. There work is shown for users to read, and is followed up with biographical information. The texts are more accessible than WorldCat, and less edited than Wikipedia, but still contain author bias.
None of them are the perfect database, but all are very helpful.

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