

When searching locative art in Wikipedia you get a page with a lot of information on it, but no way of knowing if any of it is misinformation as mentioned in the document Evaluating Information Found on the Internet, “it isn’t deliberate, it’s just wrong or mistaken.” Wikipedia can be used as a start for gathering information and search ideas, but nothing on wikipedia is credible and would need to be found on a credible site. Leonardo Electronic Almanac gave me a list of articles that were credible and useful, but it only gave me a few pages of articles. WorldCat was the most useful search engine because of the options that it gave me to narrow down my search results and all the results were credible. Both WorldCat and Leonardo Electronic Almanac give you information about the author to make the articles more credible. When researching on the web I must use search engines or databases like WorldCat and Leonardo Electronic Almanac if I want the information I find to be credible and correct. If I am starting to research a topic that I’m not familiar with I can use Wikipedia to get me started with broad information that I can search for in databases with credible articles.

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