The Human and Computer Connection

When did the Connection of Human and Computer Start?

I am sure everyone has seen The Matrix and understands that the falling code IS the digital world that was created by the computers for humans to live in. The changing symbols, letters and numbers represent the constant change in the Matrix. I was not sure how I could make this connection with Vannevar Bush’s “As We May Think” until I watched the video showing his Memex. In section 7 he states:

Moreover, when numerous items have been thus joined together to form a trail, they can be reviewed in turn, rapidly or slowly…

If you think about it, this can be an early rendition of the raining code, as each ‘drop’ creates its own trail. His Memex also creates a unique code of letters and numbers to identify each trail, like in the raining code. The only thing missing is the non-alphanumeric symbols, though one cannot help but think if the Memex was able to be used on a large scale that symbols would be introduced. He goes on in the same paragraph and says:

It is exactly as though the physical items had been gathered together from widely separated sources and bound together to form a new book. It is more than this, for any item can be joined in to numerous trails.

When you look at the still photo of the three people immersed in the Matrix you can see that their ‘trails’ have been joined creating a new ‘book’ or reality. As well with the Memex, once Neo our protagonist, masters the Matrix he is able to call up and change anything he wishes, so does one with the Memex. The user can call up information, add to it, change it, share it and then save it or destroy it.

Blog 2: Humans and Computers


The relationship between human beings and computers is something that is not going away any time soon. As the human race continues to evolve, so will our technological strides. This will eventually bring the human race to the point raised by Vannevar Bush that humans will one day be so reliant on technology that we will not be able live without it. We as humans tend to rely on technology to make our lives easier, while technology (computers) relies on us to operate them. Technology will take away the need for hard work and overall comprehension. The Matrix is a film that cleverly demonstrates how human beings and computers rely on each other to function properly.  In the film, humans are used as a source of energy for machines. The machines, in turn, provide a sort of virtual reality for the humans that will blind them from the apocalyptic world. It also provides them with security. The virtual reality created by the machines is represented by a raining green code (as seen in the image from the link). This raining green code is used in the dream sequence (seen in the video) and is used to represent information from the virtual reality such as visuals and audio. The dream scene supports Theodor Nelson’s idea that essentially all obtainable information will become computerized code. Claims from people like Bush and Nelson raise a lot thought and concern for the future. Will the human race truly be so reliant on technology that we will not be able to live without it?


Week 3


Humans have become extremely connected with their technology. The matrix image of the “raining code” shows the relationship of humans and computers. Both Ted Nelson and Vannevar Bush’s articles discuss how technology will come into play in our everyday lives. Ted Nelson discusses how people will be able to access different forms of information and expression through different mediums (Literary Machines). These mediums include books, web, videos, and digital photos just to name a few. Information has become extremely accessible to everyone that owns technology. When you turn your TV you receive information, and when you turn your computer on you can search the web for information you are seeking. Vannevar Bush actually describes a machine that is similar to the modern day computers and tablets. “A “memex” is a device in which an individual stores all his books, records and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility.” (As We May Think). We use computers today for all of these things. We use them to read, to record data or write papers, we use them as a means to communicate with the rest of the world through blogs or Facebook and our computers do all of these things with amazing speed. Our modern technology has also become very interactive. With ipads and other various tablets we touch the screen to type, to play a game or to draw an image. The memex was in a way interactive as well. “There is a keyboard and sets of buttons and levers.” (As We May Think). To operate the memex you would have to type in codes and pull levers in today’s tablets you just have to push buttons or speak into the machine to search for what you need but it is none the less interactive.

Computers vs. Humans

Brandon Phillips


In Theodor Nelson’s book titled Literary Machines, he focuses on the ongoing conversion of text of human ideas and information into computerized code and programs that are stored in mechanical functioning systems (the computer). He emphasizes the great potential computers have for dramatically increasing the accessibility humans have to information and ideas. In Vanevar Bush’s article “As We May Think” he puts great emphasis on the fact that humans will one day become reliant and machines and computers and not need to rely on their own intellect and hard work; that soon accessibility to all information could neutralize the human intellect.

The movie the Matrix is a great film that highlights the relationships humans have with computers. The relationship between humans and computers is identified in the plot of the movie The Matrix; being that humans need computers just as much as computers need humans. The plot of the movie is in a post-apocalyptic world machines harvest humans for energy and humans rely on the machines to create a false but secure reality that leaves them blind to the true apocalyptic world. In the dreaming scene in the movie a green raining code, composed of a variety of different characters, is shown to symbolize the visual, auditory, etc information of a virtual reality. The image from the matrix is an image of the green raining code but it makes the image/scene more visible for the viewer by highlighting the outlines of human bodies in a hallway. The purpose of dream scene and matrix image is that both show how visual information has been converted to computerized code like how Theodor Nelson claimed that soon all sorts of information will become.

The concern for the future is, will humans become entirely reliant on technology as Vanevar Bush predicts? And will computers one day have too much information that they will one day be able to have their own intellect and create their own ideas?

We Are Borg: Humans and Techonolgy

What is real? In the 1999 movie, “The Matrix,” our reality is questioned. What if this world that we see, hear, touch and know isn’t real. As demonstrated in the still image and “Dream Sequence” from this movie, it is suggested that our world is made up of computer code–a virtual reality. In the movie, humans are plugged into a gigantic network of computers and interfaces, much like today. In American society it is more common to have a cell phone than not. In a way, we have become that reality where human are so wrapped up in technology that our reality is virtual rather than tangible.

As Vannevar Bush suggested in his article, “As We May Think,” he drew up the plans of a variety of technological advancements he said would soon take the world by storm. His Memex machine was the precursor of today’s desktop computer. He imagined how a man could make “trails,” or a history of searches and related material, and summon up that information onto a tablet with the touch of a button. Really, he produced sketches of the first human-machine interactive device. Since his time, we have only become more and more dependent and consumed by electronics. Televisions, smart phones, tablets, computers, et cetera. We are linked to our own personal technology from morning until night.

The “raining code” seen in The Matrix is a visual representation of how technology has been brought to us from the intellect of scientists and inventors. They bestowed upon us a great gift, which we abuse daily to argue with strangers and watch cat videos. That raining code shows that technology is a continuous stream of information that slowly but surely will consume our world as we replace the tangible with the virtual.

Blog Post 2: Relationship between humans, computer and information.


It seems that the video of the Dream Scene and the image from the very same movie represents ideas within the readings of Vannevar Bush and Theodor H. Nelson. Before I get into how it is appropriate to say that the ideas conveyed in this post will be completely up to opinion as considering how the interpretations of both the image and the video are up to the individual.

First of all it seems that video clip seems to show an endless amount of knowledge falling from the sky into nowhere. It seems that this data, knowledge or whatever people would like to call it, it seems that this data is unattainable to any regular person. People are forced to sit back and watch it fall into an endless sea of nothingness. This seems to represent the idea that Vannevar Bush presents that there is so much material and knowledge but how can one attain it. I would further push on this idea that without any way to attain this knowledge, it is lost. I would not necessarily say forever considering how it is still possible to attain it in some way.

The picture seems to represent computerized data and humans intertwined together. This might represents the idea that digital technology is only what humans make it out to be and that this technology is so intertwined into ourselves that we become apart of it as a whole. That is to say like Vannevar Bush eluded to this idea of the Memex (53) which could link people together in order to add new ideas to an existing idea or create a new idea in which people can add on to as well. While today, this already exists but for the time it would be a new and revolutionary idea to be able to connect to people inside and work together on a project rather than having to meet up and discuss.

The Relationship Humans have with Computers and Information


The raining code from the Matrix photograph and video is one that may be very
confusing for people. If a person has never learned about the code or ever
learned about where it came from they would be very confused. In the photograph of the Matrix there is an image made from the raining code. The raining code looks like it would be just like the binary code which is made up of all ones and zeros. However when looking at the video of the raining code it seems that the code is not made up of numbers but of symbols, possibly of Chinese symbols. In Vannevar Bush’s “As We May Think” he is discussing the
relationship humans have with computers and information. He says that there are machines for solving difficult equations, and functional and integral equations (Bush 50). This can suggest that humans use computers to solve the problems that they need solved when it comes to work in marketing or science. In fact, science is a large part of the relationship that humans have with computers and information. In majority of sciences humans use computers in order to get information for the equations that the computers can solve. Information can be found on the internet which is mainly accessible through the computer. In the time of when the Memex was being thought about there was no way to find anything that you wanted to know about through something like Google. There was not even the thought of there being an Ipad or smart phones. Theodor Nelson wanted to advance technology and ideas. It is clear that the relationship humans have with computers and information can be directly related to science. “Science may implement the ways in which man produces, stores, and consults the record of the race” (Bush 54).

Blog Prompt 2- Information and Computers-Star Preston


Theodor Nelson expresses this idea of a new accessibility and excitement of expression through multiple mediums (3). People will be able to have access to ideas through not only videos, but through digital photos, texts, web videos, etc. Not only, will people be able to have access to this information, but they will also be able to be “active producers,” (DTC Lecture 01.17.13).  The Matrix has both a video and image that recreates the raining code. It’s the same representation of the code expressed in two different ways; that have two very different effects. Personally the video creates a choppy feeling, where as the image seems for like a “raining code.” The creators of The Matrix, used computers to create information in two different accessible ways, which is what Nelson stressed in Literary Machines.

Furthermore, in “As We May Think,” Vannevar Bush saw multiple possibilities in the advancement of technology for the benefit of humanity. The Memex was an idea that allowed the user to project ideas that could be linked with previous ones drawn up on a neo-desk top computer (54). The memex allowed the user to build a trail of ideas and links that another person could ultimately follow or add to. (53).  So really we have this web of information created by humans, but accessed through computers. Not only could a person view this trail, but they could also add to it, tying different aspects and cultures to information. The image from the Matrix appears to be three humans in this digital or computerized world. The image visually represents the link between humanity and computers that Vannevar and Nelson express. That humans express their ideas and thought through multiple outlets with the help of computers. These thoughts can be built upon and linked by others and expressed in even more ways (as is seen in Vannevar’s influence of other thinkers).

New Media Philip Crivello

Hello, my name is Philip Crivello. I am a student here @WSU Vancouver and wanting to major in either Biology or Geology (still debating). For my new media object, besides @facebook, my iPod, laptop and video games, I use @IHeartRadio a lot of the time while I’m on the computer. IHR is an internet radio site where you can customize your stations; listen to stations in other states, as well as from artists. This internet radio site uses both #Digital Arts and #Media Communication. Digital Arts in how you are able to listen to music and watch live concerts from IHR. For Media Communication, there are radio stations on IHR where you can listen to news stations from across the country in real time. For #IHR it uses Numerical Representation in having a digital code (Manovich 28) from being created on a computer. With Modularity, it uses different sizes for its images and also advertises products from sponsoring companies. Automation in IHR is present due to having Numerical Representation and Modularity (32). While I listen to the music on the site, once a song is over, then it starts a new one right afterwards with no commercials on the artists stations (on city stations then they broadcast from the station but have very limited commercials). In having an internet radio site, there is a lot of Variability (36) within the site. It’s always updating in versions and adding new music every day. While you listen to a station, you never know what’s next on the custom stations so the music is varying within the genres and artists. Because you can customize your own stations, then you create your own Variability. Lastly, there is Transcoding, which is basically translating one format to another (47). How this applies to IHeartRadio is in how you can listen to different stations in various languages and cultures.
Because of this easy and new way to access music it has turned music into even more of a digital age. Where you can listen to stations from your old city you use to live in (when you live across the nation), and you can listen to music from your favorite artists or genres just from searching it and clicking play. You are also able to buy music and get the lyrics (where before a digital age, getting music or lyrics meant going to a record store and buying it there).

Renee Jones Xbox

The Xbox Kinect, Created by Microsoft is a fairly new media object. The Xbox Kinect falls under a new media object because it has been made through multiple computer programs, which makes it digital. This can be read from slide five from the slideshow presentation. This is only the beginning for our generation. There are many other New Medias like The Wii by Nintendo, Face time by Apple. The Kinect allows your body to connect to sensors and you become the controller. The sensors work by how the camera from the Kinect transmits the invisible near-infrared light and a measure its “time of flight” after it reflects off the objects. First characteristic is Numerical Representation: Means that the Kinect itself can send the invisible near-infrared light to give a visual of the body that can go back through a computer that will eventually break it down to see that it had come from a numerical form. (Manovich 28)Modularity: components such as images, shapes, and sounds are all basic factors with the Kinect, throughout the game you will have your picture taken of what you look like while you’re competing against someone or simply having a good time.(Manovich30)Automation: The Kinect can connect with this characteristic by a few things, with the 3-D, the Kinect shows yourself which is 3-D, creates backgrounds, and even some courses in some games. The Kinect can also relate by the AI. The AI creates other players to play with or compete with. (Manovich 32-34)Variability: Being able to customize your own character. This is something that you can do with the Kinect; this is a personal factor for most games. Your body that picks up the sensors is the controller to the character you customize. Transcoding: A computer layer and culture layer that are important elements of each game, allowing the game to have a story line of some sort. With these five characteristics you can see that the Xbox Kinect is a new media object.