Tag Archives: #dtcv #McLuhan #youtuberemix #KatherineHayles

Reading Post #7, Comparisons of print and digital…


The McLuhan Remix: Prologue is a digital remix of the insight on the printed text “The Medium is the Massage” he is concluding the book and highlighting the main points of the printed text. Instead of writing a reflective essay on the book his creative idea on making it a remix video served more effective and interesting than a handwritten reflection. Although this piece uses images of text from the book it is in that sense a born digital work even though the ideas to create this piece came from a print itself. Along with his dialogue he incorporated illusionistic images, music that would interest the viewer, and images that moved around on the screen; all of this incorporated together into a brief remix of a reflection on McLuhan’s book advertised to me how interesting that book might be and at the end of this video I understood key points and theories that McLuhan must make in his printed piece.

Katherine Hayles made a good point in her article to help us distinguish these works from one another when she said “…to change the physical form of the artifact(print) is not merely to change the act of reading but profoundly to transform the metaphoric network structuring the relation of word to world (p. 94).” Kurt Weibers has created a well choreographed digital illustration of what is key points from the physical text by Dr. McLuhan. So when it comes to digital works this piece is “born digital” and as Hayles describes an inscriptive technology.