Tag Archives: #GoogleMaps

Walter Benjamin

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I found this image on Google map; it is a view from South Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada. In “The World Of Art”, Walter said “This image makes it easy to comprehend the social bases of the con- temporary decay of the aura. It rests on two circumstances, both of which are related to the increasing significance of the masses in contemporary life” (III); as you can see in this image, the boulevard divided the view into two different parts. The left view has tower and theater with crowded group of people, it seems like pretty busy downtown. In contrast, the right view makes you feel very peaceful and relaxing because of the small lake with water fountain.

“The concept of aura which was proposed above with reference to historical objects may usefully be illustrated with reference to the aura of natural ones. We define the aura of the latter as the unique phenomenon of a distance, however close it may be.” (III); with this image, every single element combine to make a beautiful view. Additionally, they help people determine and illustrate about human life; they are always various aspects that suppose to make your life more colorful. When you look at the peaceful small lake with few people on the sidewalk in your right and the buildings with busy atmosphere in your left, you can feel two side of the image are neutral. Plus, the two lines of the tree make you feel fresh, energetic and eager. This place supposes to entertain people and everybody go to Las Vegas with only one reason, enjoying their life.

Blog 3: Google Map Image and Walter Benjamin



In Walter Benjamin’s article, “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,” he describes that man made artifacts could always be imitated (Pg. 2). This is a Google map image of Kelso Valley Road in Weldon, California. This picture can probably be imitated in many different cities around the world. It’s seen that there is a small road that probably doesn’t get much traffic. There is snow all over the ground and rocks surrounding the small road. Benjamin’s article states that “works of art are received and valued on different planes.” (Pg. 5). The value of this photograph could be seen as nothing but in my personal opinion it is beautiful. Before photography there was lithography which enabled art to illustrate everyday life but I’m not sure that lithography could have produced a photograph like this as well as the technology we have today for photography does. Some could say that the “aura” of this photograph is peaceful and calming, while others could say that this picture’s “aura” is gloomy or cold. This piece could be seen as art due to the scenery aspect of the photo but most of the time the artistic performance is portrayed by the cameraman or photographer. “Man can represent his environment” (pg.11), Walter Benjamin may have been talking about film but this statement can apply to the perspectives seen in this photograph by the observers. It is important that people become more open minded in order to see meanings behind modern art or even to create their own meanings of what the scenery’s aura could be.