Week 12 Stansberry


The day without technology turned out to be impossible as my world has become so interconnected that I rely heavily on the use of the internet. From checking my work schedule to finishing homework there are few days during the year that I would be able to remain productive without the use of technology. It’s unfortunate that many do no have access to technologies such as computers or phones that access the internet because it is such a useful resource. When a customer wants to know the release of a new movie, I can google it in seconds. When I’m having trouble finding my friends apartment, I use GPS on my phone. Even applying for jobs is done strictly online for many businesses today, leaving those without the internet at a severe disadvantage. Having to plan to use computers at a University or library location would make finishing homework, applying for jobs, and purchasing online products extremely inconvenient and difficult. The digital divide is a real struggle for many Americans who can’t afford such technologies and are adversely affected because of it. It’s very possible that I would not have the job I’ve attained or the grades I’ve earned without having convenient access to the internet.

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