Week 1&2 New Media


The kindle by amazon is a fairly new media object. This is an object that allows us to receive books, videos, applications and much more wirelessly and on a small tablet. The kindle is basically a pad that can do all of the things your laptop can do but on a seven inch much more portable laptop. This is a new media object because it requires the help of computers, websites and applications making it digital. The kindle has a touch pad screen that allows you to type just like you were typing on your own computer at home. At the top of the screen there are options that say shop, games, apps, books, music, videos, newsstand, audiobooks, web, photos, docs, and offers. When you select one of these it will take you to a new screen that allows you to purchase an item from the categories listed above. Also with this device you can load your documents and take pictures. Amazon by kindle has made a device that is normally only seven inches long do all of the functions that your 15 inch laptop can do. One characteristic of new media that fits the kindle is variability: you can set up your kindle any way you want it to be and you can also put things on your kindle that you want to be there. If you want to buy a book you can purchase it then it will instantly be placed on your kindle. If you want a movie again it will instantly be placed there. All of this is an example of how this new media object uses variability, whatever is placed on the kindle is different for every kindle user.

Blog Post 1



In Lev Manovich’s article “What is New Media,” he lists several media objects. Since the publishing of his article in 2001 numerous media objects have been developed because of the five characteristics they have that Lev Manovich uses to identify media. The characteristics are numerical representation, modularity, automation, variability, and transcoding. A popular new media object today is the online social network known as Facebook.com. It is a popular site that allows one to communicate with others via internet, play games, and create a profile that has descriptions and images of the creator of the profile.

According to Manovich numerical representation is a “media object…converted from analog media sources…to digital code” (Manovich 2001). An example of digital code would be binary code, which consists of 1’s and 0’s (Manovich 2001). Facebook is multifunctional; it runs games, presents images made possible by the programs it contains which are created by sequences of binary code thus allowing Facebook to have numerical representation. Manovich describes modularity as being a “fractal structure of new media” (Manovich 2001). This statement is claiming that media objects like Facebook are composed of several fractional units that function together as a whole. Units of Facebook would include text, images, movies, etc. which function together to create each Facebook web page. Automation is the characteristic that a media object can be created or modified automatically. The website Facebook updates itself when improvements can be made to fix bugs in the website. But Facebook can also give the user automated suggestions when certain actions are completed, like posting images. Facebook will ask you if you want to tag people in the photos and it will also highlight the face of a person in the image automatically. The characteristic variability is described by Manovich as “something…that can exist in different, potentially infinite versions” (Manovich 2001). Facebook isn’t the first of social websites. Websites like Myspace.com existed before Facebook, which has nearly the same applications as Facebook but in a different format. To put it simply Myspace is a different version of Facebook but provides a different experience for the user. Finally the last characteristic of new media objects is transcoding. Transcoding is the ability for an object to combine “cultural layers” and “computer layers” to create a certain experience or mood for the user. For example Facebook combines cultural layers such as questions that humans would ask one another and its computer/program layers will use that info to create applications like status updates. In the status update bar of Facebook, a question will appear in the box for the user to answer, if they so choose, to help the user think about the question and compose a status based on that question. Some of the questions are “How was your day,” and “What’s going on, Username?” Facebook is a unique internet tool that can be considered a media object because of its compliance with Lev Manovich’s 5 media principles.

New Media Post



Hello, my name is Philip Crivello. I am a student here @WSU Vancouver and wanting to major in either Biology or Geology (still debating). For my new media object, besides @facebook, my iPod, laptop and video games, I use @IHeartRadio a lot of the time while I’m on the computer. IHR is an internet radio site where you can customize your stations; listen to stations in other states, as well as from artists. This internet radio site uses both #Digital Arts and #Media Communication. Digital Arts in how you are able to listen to music and watch live concerts from IHR. For Media Communication, there are radio stations on IHR where you can listen to news stations from across the country in real time. For #IHR it uses Numerical Representation in having a digital code (Manovich 28) from being created on a computer. With Modularity, it uses different sizes for its images and also advertises products from sponsoring companies. Automation in IHR is present due to having Numerical Representation and Modularity (32). While I listen to the music on the site, once a song is over, then it starts a new one right afterwards with no commercials on the artists stations (on city stations then they broadcast from the station but have very limited commercials). In having an internet radio site, there is a lot of Variability (36) within the site. It’s always updating in versions and adding new music every day. While you listen to a station, you never know what’s next on the custom stations so the music is varying within the genres and artists. Because you can customize your own stations, then you create your own Variability. Lastly, there is Transcoding, which is basically translating one format to another (47). How this applies to IHeartRadio is in how you can listen to different stations in various languages and cultures.

Because of this easy and new way to access music it has turned music into even more of a digital age. Where you can listen to stations from your old city you use to live in (when you live across the nation), and you can listen to music from your favorite artists or genres just from searching it and clicking play. You are also able to buy music and get the lyrics (where before a digital age, getting music or lyrics meant going to a record store and buying it there).

new media object gawker

Print media can be considered an old dying media object, losing ground to the digital news media.  While traditional mass media like the AP still exists online, new competitors are undercutting them.  The game is changing and new media objects like Gawker media are leading the way.  Gawker media is an umbrella blog network; they own eight different blogs, which cover a variety of topics.  Their main site Gawker covers gossip and news, Deadspin sports, io9 science and science fiction, Gizmodo gadgets, Jolopnik cars, Lifehacker productivity, Kotaku gaming, and Jezebel focuses on issues affecting women.  This substantial variability allows Gawker to pull in a broad spectrum of readers, which makes them more profitable.  Their profit is mainly based on advertising revenue.  What makes Gawker have high earnings than other blogs is their ability increase interent traffic and maximize revenue with such a limited staff.  This in itself encapsulates many characteristics of a new media object; obviously their use of html code shows their numerical representation, but also their accounting of page views which generates revenue, shows both numerical representation and automation.  Having eight different blogs allows Gawker to cross-link stories that might be of interest to the other blog’s readers.  As Manovich points out this form of modularity only exists on the web, print media does not have the ability to branch off, as it only exists on the tangible paper it is printed on (41).  Old media often references new media, perhaps in an effort to stay relevant.  Now old media like print and radio have blogs and podcasts and facebook pages.  This old media is transcoding into new digitized media as Manovich points out (47).  Yet another way transcoding works is how new media objects are acknowledged by old forms of mass media, i.e. print, radio, and TV.  Gawker has done this by braking stories on politian’s affairs, and Viacom’s treatment of employees.  They also have a controversial map program called gawker stalker in which gawker readers point out where they point out and update where they have seen a celebrity.  Many celebrities view this as dangerous, but Gawker editors say it is in good fun.

New Media Objects: Interactive Installations by Robison, Charity



Hello, my name is Charity and I am a post-bach student in the DTC program.  I come from a fine arts background so my challenge is to transfer what I can of my studio skills and knowledge into a digital format that I can use to further my language of expression.

Math offends me and the digital realm is challenging with its limited tactile process and lack of physical or organic matter to touch, feel, and manipulate with my hands.  It also looks a lot like math..

There are a great many new media objects to chose from so I decided to simply look over the slides and see what came to mind.  This random exploration worked out well and resulted in some unexpected recollections.  When I looked  over interactive installations, I was immediately taken to an experience I had at Burning Man in 2009 with an installation titled Steve the Robot H.E.Ai.D.

It is described as “a Human Energized Artificial Intelligence Device that encouraged collaborative sound and music making inside a giant 35 foot structure made to resemble a giant robot head. Motion is detected using a camera mounted at the peak of the structure, which is then used to generate sound and project the laser image.”

I had come to it out on the playa late one night and found myself completely fascinated by the physical and visible connection I had with the piece.  I danced with someone and watched it trace my every move along with theirs via laser lights onto the playa dust beneath me.  I was actually watching the electricity and energy between myself and another.

In relation to the characteristics of new media by Lev Manovich, I believe this met all five.  By creating an interactive connection between a computer and the human body, numerical representation (p.27) was made via intelligence that communicated between various systems to create the whole. There is an algorithm recording and transcribing human movement into a digital format.

The numeral representation here incorporated modularity (p.30) by combining several methods of data gathering to create the cohesive result of man and machine.  This is also, in part, an automative (p.32) process.  Computers have been explicitly designed and programed to record the human or analog movement and transcribe them into a digital format that can then be further translated into a visual shape and form.  Variability (p.36)  is then nearly infinite as it is defined by each individual that interacts with it, recording not only their physical stature and form, but also their movement.  Transcoding (p.45) follows with the materialization of this digital interpretation of an analog subject.  The human body and its movements are displayed in a digital format via laser lights.

Here is a short video clip of the installation:

blog 1-new media




My name is Samai Mendoza I am a freshmen at WSUV. I’m undecided on my major but I’m thinking to major on public affairs. I’m taking this class to satisfy my ucore and it looks fun.

Internet/websites it’s a new media.  There are a lot of things we can find on the internet today from games to social networks to all kinds of information. We can play online games like angry birds and Pac man.  We can also find social networks like Facebook and twitter. Internet is a digital media object because according to the lecture slides the definition of digital is “objects produced with the help of computers” and internet and everything that it holds is obviously produced with the help of computers. Facebook and twitter are “media [that] becomes programmable” (p.27) as Manovich states as a typical new media. Pictures and videos can be shared in Facebook and basically controlled by the person who adds them as the in the numerical representation characteristic explains. You even have to crop the picture when you want to make it your profile picture on Facebook. Facebook is also a new media object according to Manovich in the Variability characteristics because most of the time Facebook upgrades and automatically updates. According to Manovich a new media “web sites are also periodically updated either manually or automatically.” (p.38). Facebook is also an example of modularity because of the use of text characters. Manovich says that new media “consists” of text characters. (p.31) in conclusion” new media is created on computers” (p.46) which is transcoding and Facebook is an example of it. As years go by there would be new media and there will be new expectations to be considered new media and the new media that is today will be old media in a few years.

New Media Object – GoPro Camera

GoPro cameras are becoming some of the most popular and versatile video cameras on the market. They are small, durable, water proof and can record amazing high definition videos and pictures. Another major benefit to these cameras is that they are very simple to use and the quality they produce is truly amazing. According to Manovich, “cinematography, which means writing movement, the essences of cinema is recording and storing data in a material form. The film camera records data on film; a projector reads is off” (pg. 26). The GoPro does just this, but stores the film digitally on a hard drive in the camera, so it can be retrieved later. The GoPro heavily relies on Manovics’s 4th characteristics of new media, Automation. The GoPro auto sets and adjusts white balancing and knows what to do for light levels so you get a very good picture quality with very little effort. The GoPro is basically a computer then a video camera. It does the same functions as any hand held camera, but it’s designed to be slim and easy to use, and that’s why they are so popular. Automation and software is what makes the GoPro such a popular camera for people looking for high quality video and user friendly usability. It automatically stores the data as a MP4 format which is very common for most video editing software so you can easily make videos on any computer. This is a digital media object because we no longer need to shoot video on film to make videos, and the quality has surpassed the possibilities of what film quality could produce.

New Media Object – IPad

The first iPad came to the world on April 2010 and it is obvious example for digital object. It was only about two years since the first iPad released but it shifted the technological human demands to higher levels as a new media. More than that, people are getting close to technological world because of the digital device’s features as iPad and it brings people closer to others by communication developments. Apple Incorporation created iPad and it is small mobile computer with touching operations. It has Numerical Representation as it converts continuous data into numerical representation (Manovich 28); for example, you can view your images on iPhoto that is one of the greatest applications on iPad. There are a lot of features on the iPhoto that you can adjust the image’s color, shadow, angles and you can flat or crop the photo. It also satisfies Modularity; Manovich states “These elements are assembled into large-scale objects but continue to maintain their separate identities” (Manovich 30). We can watch movie on Ipad and movie is the combination between sounds and images. They always have different identities but they all run at the same time. Plus, the World Wide Web is also modular (Manovich 31); the iPad was invented with built-in Wi-Fi and cellular connectivity. That way, you can search any websites on Ipad by Safari. Besides, iPad goes along with Variability as it maintains itself and generates new supporting programs by period updates (Manovich 38).  IPad’s update requirements are established in the App Store and it will alert you when the new updates release. This new media is an amazingly great device that has multiple benefits with reasonable prices.

Google, A New Media

As I sat and wondered what I was going to talk about as a new media I was checking my email on my Nexus and could hear the notifications on my phone and found myself thinking about how much Google has become so intergraded into not just my life but millions of others. I then realized that Google in its own right is a New Media. Google has become much more than just a search engine but a fluid entity that made technological advances by being on every device, or platform, used by its users. These are just a few of the many things that Google does that shows its talents at variability.

Google Drive
Google has leapt into the cloud computing craze by giving its users free space to store
and share documents that can be retrieved on any platform.
To give their users a sense of community they initiated their own social site that is synced and available across all platforms.
Chrome Sync
This feature makes it so that a person’s personal settings, including bookmarks and browsing history follows them to any device they use, including mobile devices. For example my bookmarks from my desktop are synced to the mobile Chrome browser on my Nexus.

Google really puts Manovich’s definition of Variability to the test by showing how liquid it is by using sophisticated algorithms along with databases to transfer and change data as quickly as the user alter them across multiple platforms, as shown with their Chrome Sync. These are not simple copies but like what Manovich states Instead of identical copies, a new media object typically gives rise to many different versions. This is true with the cross platform syncing because a browser on a mobile device is different than what is on a laptop or desktop. (Manovich)

Audra Mann

Work Cited

Manovich, Lev. “What Is New Media?” The Language of New Media. n.d. 36, 37.

Skype- New Media Object


Skype is a popular application which allows uses to connect with others over video chat through video streaming and voice calls. As of last year, there were 31 Million users on Skype spending an average of over 100 minutes a month using the application’s services (statisticsbrain.com). This program is the epitome of what author Lev Manovich believes a new media object is. Though this object came after his book ” The Language of New Media” it fits the 10 points which he suggests are involved in defining these new digital medias. For example, the author argues that new media must have numerical representations, as Skype does because the application runs off of the computer’s connection to the internet. He also states that in order to be digital, a media such as Skype must satisfy modularity, which he defines ad the “fractal structure of media” (page 51.) Skype does this through it’s video streaming and use of pixels simultaneously with sound to create a larger image and projection. It also follows Manovich’s third digital media requirement: automation. At it’s core, Skype’s messaging services through all mediums is automated and powered by the computer generation the modularity also depends on. Variability is another digitally driven aspect of this media, especially because Skype has had 6 different versions of the application release, and has expanded their messaging system into multiple mediums, as stated before. the mediums include instant messaging, voice messaging, and video messaging all encompassed within this media, giving people ample ways to communicate messages using this media form. Finally, Manovich talks about transcoding and how technologies become infused into our culture and into what’s happening, as seen through Skype’s expansion. Skype, and instant chatting services have all become a main part of culture, and the main channel in which communication happens. If there’s world news to be heard, people will know about it sooner than ever thanks to Skype  as the ever present, instant connection with  others worlds away. In this way, Skype as a digital media has changed our culture and society in its purpose as a communication device. Overall, Skype has proven itself to be a prominent digital media player in today’s world.