YouTube – A New Media Object

@MyDtcAccount   –   Jonathan Crabtree

An incredibly popular new media object that has exploded since the early 2000s is YouTube. The numerial representation is exemplified in the fact that each video is made using a computer. The continuous data, such as the individual photos that in turn create the video, is turned into discrete data (code) that the computer can read and show to the user as a fluid video (Manovich 27). On a somewhat related note, modularity is also key when talking about new media. An example for YouTube is that, while the videos themselves are what the user watches, they are made up of many independent files that act together to create a new, larger, more entertaining piece (29). Luckily for each viewer, the process is automated, meaning that the person watching the video does not have to piece all those files together himself. Using carefully constructed algorithms, the computer is able to play each still picture in rapid succession automatically in order for the user to percieve a video (30). If an account is created, YouTube is never the same after every video played. It learns the account owner’s preferences and will pull up different suggested videos based on what the user has previously watched. This variability creates a different experience for every single user (32). The final characteristic that a new media object must comply with is transcoding. YouTube has an exhaustive list of categories that each video falls under, and which kind the user chooses depends on mood, goals, or time of day. However, to the computer, they are all the same. Simply numbers telling when and where each colored pixel should be displayed.

New Media Objects: Kindle

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MMO’S: Variability in Experiance

An MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) is a genre of video game in which the game is played in connection with the internet, allowing a large number of players to move and interact in the same space, the server. Most of these games involve picking a species, sex, and character class, with the choices defining the type of game play experience. For example, a mage would cast spells, while a warrior would fight with a sword. A big part of game play is joining forces with other players in groups called “guilds”, and taking on enemies.
There is very little direction in MMOs, so the guilds usually end up competing with each other, creating a politically slanted experience of two groups of people trying to achieve dominance. In World of Warcraft, for example, the payer picks a faction, Horde or Alliance. Once decided, the player joins with others in the faction to hunt down their rivals. This leads to “ganking”, in which a high-level player finds a lesser opponent and harasses them, killing them over and over again to keep them from achieving their goals. In EVE Online, a game about spaceships, players must accumulate large amounts of in-game wealth to upgrade their spaceship. Many players become banks, taking the money of their faction members and keeping it safe. In the game Terra, within each faction are political ranks, achieved through duels between faction members. The players devised a way to quickly get popular candidates into office: rather than fighting back during the duel, they would simply allow themselves to be killed, causing their political runner to be skyrocketed to office.
MMOs demonstrate variability in experience, because the people in them are so unpredictable. Anything could happen during playtime. Also, with the variety of classes, there are many ways to play, making each play through different. It is perhaps the greatest example of Variability in new media today.

New Digital Media Object


The Wii system by Nintendo is a new media object because the games and creation of the system was created by computers, making it digital. Nintendo has been producing consoles and games for many generations that continue to become more and more advanced. The Wii games are based on body movement while holding a controller. There are games for both young children and adults that are based on television shows, movies, other video games, and workout routines. The first characteristic of numerical representation means that the Wii has a visual representation that can be broken down and that it was created on a computer and originated in a numerical form (Manovich 28). In the second characteristic of modularity the Wii has media elements that are included in the games such as images, sounds, shapes, and behaviors (Manovich 30). Majority of the time the voices that are used in the video games are the same voices from the actors and actresses in the movies the games were based off of. Automation does not seem to have as much of an effect of the Wii system as some other new media objects but it does have 3-D graphics that are used in the games to set up the backgrounds and settings (Manovich 32). The characteristic of variability is in my opinion one of the most important, if not the most important characteristic. There are many possibilities for making characters and games for the Wii. In variability, instead of making identical copies, there are many different versions available (Manovich 36). On the basic Wii sports game Mii characters can be made to fit each players personality and on most other games different characters can be chosen and dressed up however the player wants. In the final characteristic of transcoding, there is a culture layer and a computer layer that is incorporated into each game, meaning that human culture is represented by the computer. In other words there is always a story and a plot to the games (Manovich 46). The Wii games can also be translated from or into another format such as Xbox or Play station. The Wii system could even be considered transmedia because the games being used are the same media as movies to relay the same information (DTC slide 29) but no matter what the Wii is a new digital media object.

New Media Objects: Pandora Internet Radio – Star Preston


I curiously find myself using a new media object everyday, the Internet radio, Pandora. According to the presentation (slides 5 and 6) new media is digital, which means that it is produced with the help of computers. First off, Pandora is accessible through personal computers, smart phones, and other technological devices such as Ereaders. Seeing that Pandora is localized through the Internet and computers, it must have numerical representation; a binary code (Manovich 25). The second principle that is typical of new media objects is modularity, where one can link websites on others in order to endorse their site. (Manovich 30). Pandora has a side bar on the right hand side where companies can link their products and ads. The third characteristic that is typical for Pandora and new media is automation (Manovich 33). According to Manovich this is when processes are set automatically. On Pandora, once a station is set up, similar genres of music are played until the operator stops the music with the stop button. Pandora also automatically plays commercials every three to five songs, much to the users irritation. The fourth characteristic that Manovich states that is common in new media is variability, infinite possibilities and suggestions given by the new media. (37). Pandora offers music selections based the users taste and preferences. Unless the user gives the song a thumb down, Pandora will continue to offer different suggestions. The last characteristic is transcoding, the way new media is associated with cultural categories and new media stereotypes (45). A user on Pandora can search through many different music categories ranging from Disney music to David Bowie. It offers different varieties of music, offering new varieties of music to different people. It’s a way of digitalizing music; no longer must one wait for their favorite song.

One aspect I did not realize that was part of Pandora was the option to buy music. This shows how everyday life is becoming more lackadaisical. One no longer has to venture out to buy a CD; they can just download after purchasing it.

Completely customized and generated by the computer, Pandora is truly “digital”.