Tag Archives: Jared Abraham

Blog #10


Anonymity: The quality or state of being unknown or unacknowledged (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/anonymity)

One of the many benefits of being a creator of online media, is the fact that you can be anonymous in your authoring of a project. There are no racist of sexist judgments based on the authors identity, unless the author chooses to tell the world their skin color and gender. In the different medias of  the past the author of a book would have to meet with a publisher to get their book into the open market, but based on the content of the book and the publisher’s opinion of the author, the book might be rejected. The same would be true in the graphic design or music industries.

In “The Hacker Manifesto” what is basically being said is that; because you are sitting at home designing a website or writing a book, the publisher cannot judge you on who you appear to be. Instead they will judge you on the quality of the work that you have produced. One could see this as a step towards equality for all people. This is perhaps the best thing that has come from the internet and computer age. Suddenly the reader does not care what your name is or what you appear to be.

Another good thing that has come from the digital age is the ability to get information out into the digital world. You no longer need to know the right people to make it in a given industry. Instead, you can post your created content and let the world judge you by your merits.