Tag Archives: commands

Rushkoff’s Demands

@MyDtcAccount – Jonathan Crabtree


As noted by Rushkoff in his 7th command, Social, “digital networks are biased toward social connections, toward contact” (99). People who don’t have access to the internet obviously will not be getting on social networking sites, and instead will have to “settle” for talking to someone in person (gasp!). As a society we have been trained to get a rush of dopamine when we see that little Facebook or Twitter icon pop up at the top of our screen. People without that access have a more organic reaction to connecting with people in real life. Rushkoff’s 8th command, Fact, is that the internet is mostly comprised of truth. While it is true that people can post whatever they want, it won’t last long or get far if it is not a fact. The internet uses its power to crowdsource the information, which leads to a quick validation or dismissal. People without computers are unable to access this information and have to take everything at face value. Openness, Rushkoff’s 9th command, states that the internet is “biased toward openness” and that we should be sharing our creations (121). There is a fine line between generosity and stealing on the internet, and those without access are safe from committing those crimes, but they miss out on all the cool things that people create and share. Finally, Rushkoff talks about Purpose. He posits that everyone should know how to code so that they can create programs with a purpose instead of just accepting whatever the “elite” throw at them to use. People with no access obviously cannot create their own content, and are therefore at the mercy of what everyone else deems “the best.”

Rushkoff’s Commands


Rushkoff’s last four commands consist of social, fact, openness, and purpose. The Social Command states, “digital networks are biased towards social connections-towards contact” (99). Therefore, those living without computers are not privy towards this bias. Seeing as this social command emphasizes content and turning friends into a legal setting that makes connections into profit, those without computers are more inclined to see their friends and networks in a non-content view (Rushkoff 99). They see them as people, not profit. The Fact Command looks at how ideas are spread socially, that the most popular ideas are replicated and passed on (Rusfkoff 108). However, “memes” can often be false information that has been misinterpreted and spread (108). Therefore, those without computers are not subject to the false information that is spread via social networks. However, these memes do allow people to connect and spread ideas on a global scale. Rushkoff’s ninth command, Openness, states that digital technology’s resources are “biased towards openness” (121). The line between sharing media on the Internet and stealing ideas becomes blurred. However, a computer does allow for users to share original ideas (such as memes) that can be built upon, one such example is Wikipedia. The tenth command, Purpose, is biased towards those who program or write code (Rushkoff 134). If a person is not programming they risk becoming programmed. Yet, a person without a computer can do neither. Lack of interfacing with technology neither hinders their chances of programming nor increases their chance of becoming programmed.

Blog Post 14: Even though we’re supposed to have 13. Q___Q


Considering Rushkoff’s last four commands of Program or Be Programmed, explain the importance of these commands for somebody living in contemporary times who may not have nor want to have a computer.  What is of significance within Rushkoff’s argument about these four commands for somebody who may fall within the digital divide?  (250 words; cite from the readings; due by the beginning of Tuesday’s class.)

Word Count @ 70 with prompt.

Rushkoff’s last four commands are:

People who do not want computers/do not have are left out of the loop. In terms of social groups, in many cases people attempt to “hijack” these connections for profit (93-94). Essentially Rushkoff is arguing that friends are not the content of the network but the connections that makes this network work. Do not sell your friends.


Rushkoff argues that if you can communicate well in the digital, you can communicate well in the nondigital. He claims that the more real and true our statements are, the further they travel (106). Those who do not use computers will lack the ability to do this. While somewhat true, there are many cases where this is not true. An example can be Three Cups of Tea.


Learning to differentiate from sharing and stealing allows us to promote openness without selfishness (115). Those without computers would  be unable to differentiate between this when they do use a computer.

Program or be Programmed

If we don’t learn how to program, we risk being programmed ourselves (133).  Those without a computer would risk being controlled by those who do program. High businesses who can manipulate it themselves.


The significance of all this to someone who falls into the digital divide is that those in the digital divide do not understand them. They would be easily manipulated by commercialization of their friends but also themselves. They would unintentionally steal because it’s something everyone does so maybe it’s okay (it’s not). This would breed an easily manipulated and selfish world.


Four Commands


Command number 7 is Social. Rushkoff writes that “digital media is still biased towards the social” (Rushkoff 96). Without digital media, this person is not exposed to the bias that digital media brings with it. It simply does not exist. For people with computers, most of their communication is done on networking sites. For this person, it is all done in person. Therefore, there is no bias.

Command number 8 is Fact. Rushkoff writes that “The network is like a truth serum: Put something false online and it will eventually be revealed as a lie” (Rushkoff 106). For someone who does not own a computer, they aren’t able to spread false gossip on the internet. Therefore, it takes some time for the truth to come out. Since there is no computer, this person has to do it in person. If said in person, the other individual could most likely figure out a lie on the spot. Saying so, lying is harder in  person, and easier online.

Command number 9 is Openness. Rushkoff writes that “Digital networks were built for the purpose of sharing computing resources by people who were themselves sharing resources, technologies, and credit in order to create it” (Rushkoff 118). There is no sharing going on for someone without a computer. It’s simply impossible to share computer files over the internet without a computer.

Command number 10 is Program or be Programmed. Rushkoff concludes that “we must learn how to make the software, or risk becoming the software” (Rushkoff 134). For someone not having a computer, they are risking of becoming the software. Nothing is happening. No sharing, no bias, and no lies. Without the involvement in the creation of this software, the person is exposed to becoming the software because he/she wasn’t involved.