secrets No secrets, only tales yet untold. Nothing hidden, only a place not yet found. Backward| The REMNANT|Onward
All the Writings contained in the Complete Edition. PRIMARY WRITINGS (in descending order) UNKNOWN PROVENANCE The REMNANT The Remnant Say... Rhapsody secrets which is at fault? no certainties, no truth promises and trust INSOMNIAC awake the dark pass it on the moonlit garden ROMANTIC IMPULSE WRITINGS Young Robenc Robenc Returns The Exquisite Suzu The Starling Markito Scriptor Starling redux OTHER WRITINGS of UNKNOWN PROVENANCE House, Hills Hypothesis The Kinds of Wildernesses The Land Where No Man Is fellowship the strength of the pull of the dark thanksgiving brusque and impatient What will I do? keeping busy AGE of the SCHOLAR SOLDIER purple berries EXILE fog drawn stars fire place Manhunter Moon attack grandmother flight UNKNOWN SCHOLASTIC conspiracy VOICE from the LOCUST GROVE The Locust Grove The Retreat House midnight_pain The Man in the Moon Peripatikos Soter only I can do UNKNOWN CURATOR archive under threat SCHOLAR Scholar's Diary Scholar's Draft Scholar's Summary More Writings! Scholar's Farewell Scholar's Vision Scholar's Confessio Scholar's Apology Scholar's Apology redux hands recovery AGE of EGDERUS INSURGENT on march EGDERUS Egderus at Mountain House Egderus and the Good Doctor Rescue Plot First Sermon of Egderus torrential The scriptor and his beloved a dream of the Great City New Year Egderus and the Historian What can we do here? threefold mission this work Egderus' Last Writings Egderus' Secret MISSIONARY Writings of the Missionary M Part 2 in the Keep M the Wanderer ARIC Testimony of Praetor Aric Aric: Aftermath Postscript in Aric's own hand BONE-SNAPPER Steadfast Bone-Snapper HISTORIAN Historian's Tale Historian's Notebook all fall down SUPERIUS FRATER Superius Frater and Robenc Superius Frater's Notes OLD POET patteran The ANCIENTS BOY return making this up LAST ONE Last One and Boy mornings of creation They're coming apart what to leave behind impatience the ghosts The Perpetrated World Every artifact is a transmission sail away transport enemy another life form mirror Last One Flying deities UNKNOWN ANCIENTS Storms and haze Catastrophe My despair New Ecclesiastes Wayfarin' Stranger And as for those that are left For you shall be in league with the stones The stars shone in their watches Pastoral Fallen No gifts what it is nothing at all refugee this road SECONDARY WRITINGS LEGOMENA (Elucidations) Legomenon for UNKNOWN PROVENANCE Legomenon for the REMNANT Legomenon for INSOMNIAC Legomenon for ROMANTIC IMPULSE WRITINGS Legomenon for OTHER WRITINGS of UNKNOWN PROVENANCE Legomenon for Age of the SCHOLAR Legomenon for SOLDIER Legomenon for EXILE Legomenon for UNKNOWN SCHOLASTIC Legomenon for VOICE from the LOCUST GROVE Legomenon for UNKNOWN CURATOR Legomenon for SCHOLAR Legomenon for Age of EGDERUS Legomenon for INSURGENT Legomenon for EGDERUS Legomenon for The MISSIONARY Legomenon for ARIC Legomeonon for BONE-SNAPPER Legomenon for HISTORIAN Legomenon for SUPERIUS FRATER Legomenon for OLD POET Legomenon for the ANCIENTS Legomenon for BOY Legomenon for LAST ONE Legomenon for UNKNOWN ANCIENTS SCHOLIA (Annotations) UNKNOWN PROVENANCE Jonah at Tarshish heavily damaged document Writings from all eras unless you can sing, don't interrupt the music as the poem says to kill it themselves the grandmother the Frater himself not the same as saying it cannot be correct The Scholar is dead their lessons and their practices Age of the SCHOLAR Man in the Moon no account of my travels Raggedy Man neglect has a way of preserving things the primaryTexts in myScholar's archives onceuponatime what he was being put through a larger story embracing all a connection between two or more authors a source I cannot name rearrange existing evidence I think I know where to look The document purports to be albatross driven into the wilderness Three possibilities overinsistent any final thoughts melancholy contemplation interesting possibilities discovered the archives how that came to pass Age of EGDERUS But Robenc he seemed to fear I took my leae of Mountain House Had he committed a crime? I did not know why I thought that nowhere was it written down no example of this scriptor's shorthand has been found my own understanding of orthodoxy The Reasons for his removal from the Office no further information... has survived it never occurred to me known only as the Historian he limped I was called back to my lord's service some damaging documents we must be able to prove something told me [lacuna] writing poems on the trunks of trees and sides of mountains an eventuality we may well have to face lacuna? putting this incident together By the time the Good Doctor took over Of my own convictions The Good Doctor himself disappeared children of the Ancients the Remnant's ancestry the annals of the Golias I open my arms to its cold embrace I am violating my oath my early adventures in leadership a volume made by stitching together a cellar beneath the entryway I prepared an inventory the Treasure of the Ancients struck down the ban ripped up from an old path one more vision cannot escape it The charnel ground of the World ridiculous happenstance centurion I still do not know what happened to him As a historian I may not be the first wayfarer at least one page pyrrhonism The old song a small pyramid of sharper stones The ANCIENTS Different now, of course [insert] >> psalmists theories are all texts memorize a string of words slideshows the dwelling place of the ghosts one strange scene after another Who am I? ourWorld that foolish boy On impatience and the enemy Leviticus Job Baruch the [expletive] twit's larynx the full retail price holding a parliament, like in the old story APPARATUS moving the text itself heretofore unpublished boldface type The LANDING definitively placed in time the other timeBands a potentially edifying pattern in which to read them the other wanderers whose Writings appear in the Archives the last but one of the Ancients a longer allegorical work among the miscellanea of unplaceable artifacts Sermons of Egderus in the second clause collapse of the civilization of the Ancients last 'original' Writings elucidations in descending order TERTIARY WRITINGS APPARATI (Finding Aids + Supplementay Writings) frontMatter Frontispiece Dedication TITLE (home) Preface to the Complete Edition Foreword to the Archives Epigraph midMatter PROLOGUE ('tour' of the Writings) LANDING (resting place where many paths meet) INVENTORY (Authors) SCHOLIA (Annotations} LEGOMENA (Elucidations) backMatter Afterword: Transmission of the Archives (with synopsis of transmission) On the Arrangement of the Writings Acknowledgments Colophon OUTLINE (this Nota)
AGE of UNKNOWN PROVENANCE Writings attributed to those who were left... The Remnant Say... Rhapsody secrets which is at fault? no certainties, no truth promises and trust