threefold mission

Our mission is threefold:

  1. Provision a Refuge
  2. Foil the Foe
  3. Welcome the Stranger

We have here a place of refuge for ourselves, and for everyone who can make their way here. We are guarded by friends, protected from the elements, and reasonably well supplied with the necessities of life, even should we be cut off from the rest of the world, an eventuality we may well have to face.

Were we alone in danger, we should be able to survive, for a while at least.

But we are not the only souls suffering from the evil effects of what has happened in that world. Many were trapped out there when the tide turned, and cannot defend themselves where they are, so they will try to escape. Some will find their way to us. We must be ready for them.

The enemy's strength is twofold: he wields great power, and he is driven by rage. Knowing this is our strength. His power is thunder and lightning; ours is flowing water. He only knows how to hit; we know how to heal. He can only lock us up; we can endure. His heart is on fire, but it consumes itself; our heart is at peace, and welcomes others.



... many among his followers. They were betrayed, long before now; the fire of their anger burns deep and very hot. Do not contend with them; they want revenge now, even before relief from their suffering. As long as that governs them, you must stay out of their reach.

Their suffering is real, and of long standing. However you can, help them, or provide for others to do so. We may never be reconciled with them, but our compassion must encompass all.

The time will come when this great enemy will declare himself the Ruler of the World, and when he does, those whom he has misled, who were ensnared by his lies and enchanted by his false promises, may fully realize their mistake, though by then it will be too late to retrieve it.

That time will be the most dangerous, for in that moment anything can happen, and no one will be able to keep safe. Then will there be the greatest need for us and for this place, and we must be prepared.